Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Mazdygan, E.R. & Chavtur, V.G. 2011. The Composition and Distribution of Pelagic Ostracods (Ostracoda: Myodocopa) in Antarctic Waters Adjacent to the d'Urville Sea. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 37(4): 263-271

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CYPRIDINIDAE Gigantocypris muelleri Skogsberg, 1920 Valid Name Gigantocypris muelleri Skogsberg, 1920 Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Alacia belgicae (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Alacia belgicae (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Alacia hettacra (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Alacia hettacra (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Archiconchoecemma simula (Deevey, 1982) Valid Name Archiconchoecemma simula (Deevey, 1982) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Archiconchoecemma simula (Deevey, 1982) Generic Combination Archiconchoecemma simula (Deevey, 1982) 263
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Austrinoecia isocheira (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Austrinoecia isocheira (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Boroecia antipoda (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Boroecia antipoda (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Conchoecissa symmetrica (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Conchoecissa symmetrica (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Metaconchoecia australis (Gooday, 1981) Valid Name Metaconchoecia australis (Gooday, 1981) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Metaconchoecia skogsbergi (Iles, 1953) Valid Name Metaconchoecia skogsbergi (Iles, 1953) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Muelleroecia glandulosa (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Muelleroecia glandulosa (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Obtusoecia antarctica (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Obtusoecia antarctica (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Paraconchoecia mamillata (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Paraconchoecia mamillata (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Paramollicia major (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Paramollicia major (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Proceroecia brachyaskos (Müller, 1906) Valid Name Proceroecia brachyaskos (Müller, 1906) Distributions
ARTHROPODA HALOCYPRIDIDAE Pseudoconchoecia serrulata (Claus, 1874) Valid Name Pseudoconchoecia serrulata (Claus, 1874) Distributions

Showing references 1 to 16 on page 1 of 1.