Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Nowell, W.R. 1951. The Dipterous Family Dixidae in Western North America (Insecta: Diptera). Microentomology 16: 187-270

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Dixella Dyar & Shannon, 1924 Valid Name Dixella Dyar & Shannon, 1924 Introduction 225
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Dixella humeralis (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Dixella humeralis (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 235
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Dixella nicholsoni (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Dixella nicholsoni (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 238
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Dixella tasmaniensis (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Dixella tasmaniensis (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 240
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Dixella unipunctata (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Dixella unipunctata (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 241
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Nothodixa Edwards, 1930 Valid Name Nothodixa Edwards, 1930 Introduction 225
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Nothodixa flavicollis (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Nothodixa flavicollis (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 234
ARTHROPODA DIXIDAE Nothodixa geniculata (Tonnoir, 1923) Valid Name Nothodixa geniculata (Tonnoir, 1923) Introduction 234

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