Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lea, A.M. 1930. Descriptions of new species of Australian Coleoptera. Part XXI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 55: 451-467

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eupholocis Lea, 1930 synonym Eupholocis Lea, 1930 Primary 464
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eupholocis dentipes Lea, 1930 synonym Eupholocis dentipes Lea, 1930 Primary 465
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea fasciculata Lea, 1930 synonym Eutinophaea fasciculata Lea, 1930 Primary 459
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea murina Lea, 1930 synonym Eutinophaea murina Lea, 1930 Primary 461
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea setistriata Lea, 1930 synonym Eutinophaea setistriata Lea, 1930 Primary 459
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea subviridis Lea, 1930 synonym Eutinophaea subviridis Lea, 1930 Primary 460
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea suturalis Lea, 1930 synonym Eutinophaea suturalis Lea, 1930 Primary 460
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Peliocis Lea, 1930 synonym Peliocis Lea, 1930 Primary 466
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Peliocis subcylindricus Lea, 1930 synonym Peliocis subcylindricus Lea, 1930 Primary 467
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Platynotocis Lea, 1930 synonym Platynotocis Lea, 1930 Primary 465
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Platynotocis pyriformis Lea, 1930 synonym Platynotocis pyriformis Lea, 1930 Primary 466
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Cunderdinia setistriata Lea, 1930 synonym Cunderdinia setistriata Lea, 1930 Primary 454
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diphucephala coerulea Macleay, 1883 synonym Diphucephala coerulea Macleay, 1883 Type Data 454
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diphucephala concinna Lea, 1930 synonym Diphucephala concinna Lea, 1930 Primary 452
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diphucephala dicksoniae Lea, 1930 synonym Diphucephala dicksoniae Lea, 1930 Primary 451
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diphucephala glabra Lea, 1930 synonym Diphucephala glabra Lea, 1930 Primary 451
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diphucephala montana Lea, 1930 synonym Diphucephala montana Lea, 1930 Primary 453
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha brevisetosa Lea, 1930 synonym Colpochila brevisetosa (Lea, 1930) Primary 455
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha immatura Lea, 1930 synonym Colpochila immatura (Lea, 1930) Primary 456
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha iridea Lea, 1930 synonym Colpochila iridea (Lea, 1930) Primary 457
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha pilosicollis Lea, 1930 synonym Leonotus pilosicollis (Lea, 1930) Primary 454
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha pruinosa Lea, 1930 synonym Colpochila pruinosa (Lea, 1930) Primary 455
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Haplonycha pygidialis Lea, 1930 synonym Colpochila gagatina (Burmeister, 1855) Primary 457
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Melolonthinae Valid Name Melolonthinae Introduction

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