Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kadej, M. & Háva, J. 2013. The genus Neoanthrenus Armstrong, 1941 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Anthrenini): A new synonym of Anthrenus Geoffroy, 1762. Zootaxa 3646(1): 87-92

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) armstrongielus Kadej & Háva, 2013 replacement name Eurhopalus armstrongi (Kalík, 1957) Primary 90
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) consobrinus (Háva, 2005) Generic Combination Eurhopalus consobrinus (Háva, 2005) 90
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) king (Háva, 2002) Generic Combination Eurhopalus king (Háva, 2002) 90
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) macqueeni (Armstrong, 1949) Generic Combination Eurhopalus macqueeni (Armstrong, 1949) 91
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) niveosparsa (Armstrong, 1941) Generic Combination Eurhopalus niveosparsus (Armstrong, 1941) 91
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) parallelus (Armstrong, 1941) Generic Combination Eurhopalus parallelus (Armstrong, 1941) 91
ARTHROPODA DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus (Neoanthrenus) svatopluki Kadej & Háva, 2013 replacement name Eurhopalus bilyi (Háva, 2003) Primary 91

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