Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Gray, J.E. 1843. Catalogue of the species of Mollusca and their shells which have hitherto been recorded as found at New Zealand with the description of some lately discovered species. pp. 228–265 in Dieffenbach, E. (ed.). Travels in New Zealand: with contributions to the geography, geology, botany and natural history of that country. London : John Murray Vol. 2.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA ANOMIIDAE Anomia zelandica Gray, 1843 synonym Monia (Monia) zelandica (Gray, 1843) Primary 260
MOLLUSCA CHITONIDAE Chiton sinclairi Gray, 1843 synonym Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) Primary 263
MOLLUSCA FISSURELLIDAE Tugali elegans Gray, 1843 [this now regarded as a New Zealand species] Miscellaneous Literature Name Tugali parmophoidea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) 240
MOLLUSCA MYTILIDAE Mytilus impactus Hermann, 1782 Type Species subsequent monotypy Musculus (Modiolarca) Gray, 1842 259
MOLLUSCA TATEIDAE Amnicola antipodanum Gray, 1843 synonym Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) Primary 241
MOLLUSCA MESODESMATIDAE Mesodesma ventricosa Gray, 1843 synonym Paphies (Taria) ventricosa (Gray, 1843) Primary 252
MOLLUSCA TURBINIDAE Turbo staminea (Martyn, 1784) Generic Combination Lunella (Ninella) torquata (Gmelin, 1791) 236
MOLLUSCA TEREBRIDAE Bullia fuscus Gray, 1843 synonym Hastula hectica (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary 235

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