Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hull, F.M. 1945. Some undescribed syrphid flies. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club, Boston 23: 71-78

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Archimicrodon Hull, 1945 synonym Archimicrodon Hull, 1945 Primary 75
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Cervicorniphora Hull, 1945 synonym Cervicorniphora Hull, 1945 Primary 75
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Cervicorniphora alcicornis (Ferguson, 1926) [Cheng & Thompson (2008) state: Cervicorniphora was described for an Australian Microdon species in which the basoflagellomere "is deeply cleft into two prongs widely separated." However, Hull should have read what Ferguson (1926: 171) wrote of this species, "the antennal structure is most extraordinary, but I do not think sufficient to justify the erection of a new genus, as in all other respects the species is in agreement with other Australian species of Microdon and the antennae are most variable in the genus."] Generic Combination Cervicorniphora alcicornis (Ferguson, 1926) 75
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Tanaopicera Hull, 1945 synonym Microdon Meigen, 1803 Primary 76
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Tanaopicera Hul, 1945 synonym Paramixogaster Brunetti, 1923 Primary 76

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