Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Paxton, H. 2017. Three new species of Aponuphis (Annelida: Onuphidae) from eastern Australia. Zootaxa 4344(2): 246-260

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ANNELIDA ONUPHIDAE Aponuphis Kucheruk, 1978 Valid Name Aponuphis Kucheruk, 1978 Distributions
ANNELIDA ONUPHIDAE Aponuphis annae Paxton, 2017 synonym Aponuphis annae Paxton, 2017 Primary 248, Figures 1A–D; 2A–E; 3; Table 1
ANNELIDA ONUPHIDAE Aponuphis bellani Paxton, 2017 synonym Aponuphis bellani Paxton, 2017 Primary 252, Figure 1E; 2F, G; 4, 5; Table 1
ANNELIDA ONUPHIDAE Aponuphis danicae Paxton, 2017 synonym Aponuphis danicae Paxton, 2017 Primary 254, Figure 1F; 5; Table 1

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