Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Pitkin, B.R. 1973. A revision of the Australian Haplothripini, with descriptions of three new species (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 12: 315-339 [Date published 31/12/1973]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Adraneothrips Hood, 1925 Valid Name Adraneothrips Hood, 1925 Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Adraneothrips braccatus (Karny, 1920) Generic Combination Adraneothrips braccatus (Karny, 1920) 319
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Apterygothrips australis Pitkin, 1973 synonym Apterygothrips australis Pitkin, 1973 Primary 328
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Bamboosiella cingulata (Hood, 1919) Valid Name Bamboosiella cingulata (Hood, 1919) Synonymy references 326
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843 Valid Name Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843 Distributions
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips (Trybomiella) robustus (Bagnall, 1918) Generic Combination Haplothrips robustus Bagnall, 1918 333
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips (Trybomiella) varius (Hood, 1918) Generic Combination Haplothrips varius Hood, 1918 333
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips pallescens (Hood, 1919) Valid Name Haplothrips pallescens (Hood, 1919) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips pallescens (Hood, 1919) Valid Name Haplothrips pallescens (Hood, 1919) Synonymy references 332
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Haplothrips victoriensis Bagnall, 1918 Valid Name Haplothrips victoriensis Bagnall, 1918 Synonymy references 335
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Hoplothrips nigricoxa (Girault, 1929) Generic Combination Giraultithrips nigricoxa (Girault, 1929) 332
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Karnyothrips flavipes (Jones, 1912) Valid Name Karnyothrips flavipes (Jones, 1912) Synonymy references 331
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Priesneria Bagnall, 1926 Valid Name Priesneria Bagnall, 1926 Distributions
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Priesneria longistylosa Pitkin, 1973 synonym Priesneria longistylosa Pitkin, 1973 Primary 327
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xylaplothrips reedi Pitkin, 1973 synonym Mesandrothrips reedi (Pitkin, 1973) Primary 330

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