Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hutchings, P.A. 1997. The Terebellidae (F. Polychaeta) from the Wallabi Group, Houtman Abrohlos Islands, Western Australia. pp. 459-502 in Wells, F. (ed.). The Marine Fauna and Flora of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Neoleprea Hessle, 1917 Valid Name Neoleprea Hessle, 1917 Introduction 476-479, table 3
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Neoleprea booligal Hutchings, 1997 synonym Neoleprea booligal Hutchings, 1997 Primary 476-479
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Pseudothelepus Hutchings, 1997 synonym Pseudothelepus Hutchings, 1997 Primary 465
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Pseudothelepus binara Hutchings, 1997 synonym Pseudothelepus binara Hutchings, 1997 Primary 466-469
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Spinosphaera cowarrie Hutchings, 1997 synonym Spinosphaera cowarrie Hutchings, 1997 Primary 481-484
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Tyira Hutchings, 1997 synonym Tyira Hutchings, 1997 Primary 488
ANNELIDA TEREBELLIDAE Tyira owensi Hutchings, 1997 synonym Tyira owensi Hutchings, 1997 Primary 489-498

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