Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Found 262 names in 1445ms. Limited to 100 results.
Brownseya serpentina (Kunze) Li Bing Zhang, L.D.Sheph., D.K.Chen, X.M.Zhou & H.He , legitimate, scientific
Pseudolycopodiella serpentina (Kunze) Holub , legitimate, scientific
Triglochin turrifera Ewart , legitimate, scientific
Triglochin turriferum S.W.L.Jacobs , orth. var., scientific
Diplacrum blakei K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett , legitimate, scientific
Diplacrum latzii K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett , legitimate, scientific
Diplacrum pygmaeum (R.Br.) Nees ex Boeckeler , legitimate, scientific
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc. , legitimate, scientific
Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr. , legitimate, scientific
Scleria pygmaea R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Scleria sp. C Kimberley Flora (K.F.Kenneally 4873) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone , legitimate, scientific
Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone subsp. pedicellatus , legitimate, autonym
Cenchrus pedicellatus subsp. unispiculus (Brunken) Morrone , legitimate, scientific
Cenchrus setosus Sw. , legitimate, scientific
Cenchrus setosus Sw. subsp. setosus , legitimate, autonym
Enteropogon scabrilemma E.J.Thomps. , legitimate, scientific
Triodia avenoides M.D.Barrett , legitimate, scientific
Triodia degreyensis M.D.Barrett , legitimate, scientific
Triodia karijini M.D.Barrett & S.J.Dillon , legitimate, scientific
Triodia lutiteana M.D.Barrett & Kock , legitimate, scientific
Triodia sp. De Grey River (M.D. Barrett & B.M. Anderson MDB 4432) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Triodia sp. Karijini (S.van Leeuwen 4111) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Triodia sp. Nanutarra (S. van Leeuwen 5037) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Triodia sp. Silvergrass ( Kock BES 00808) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leptocarpus crassipes Pate & Meney , legitimate, scientific
Leptocarpus scariosus R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Felicia echinata (Thunb.) Nees , legitimate, scientific
Olearia sp. Nyabing (G.Byrne 7139) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Goodenia aluta K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi , legitimate, scientific
Goodenia crescentiloba K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi , legitimate, scientific
Goodenia obscurata K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi , legitimate, scientific
Pomax ammophila Ngugi , legitimate, scientific
Pomax sp. Sand dunes (P.G.Wilson 752) NT Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Harnieria sp. Gascoyne (J.P.Bull ONS-2721.04) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Prostanthera serpyllifolia (R.Br.) Briq. subsp. serpyllifolia , legitimate, autonym
Utricularia cowiei R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro , legitimate, scientific
Utricularia leptorhyncha O.Schwarz , legitimate, scientific
Utricularia sp. Mt Brookes (M.D.Barrett et al. MDB 6466) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Bonnaya ciliata (Colsm.) Spreng. subsp. ciliata , legitimate, autonym
Eremophila a sp. Murchison (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1788) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila improvisa A.P.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Eremophila rubicunda R.W.Davis , legitimate, scientific
Eremophila saxatilis A.P.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Eremophila sp. Landor (J.Start D7 33) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Meekatharra (D.J.Edinger 4430) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Murchison (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1788) , [n/a], phrase name
Ipomoea sp. Karijini (H.Ajduk HAOP305) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Jacquemontia browniana Ooststr. , legitimate, scientific
Datura innoxia Mill. , legitimate, scientific
Datura inoxia Mill. , orth. var., scientific
Nicotiana erytheia M.W.Chase & Christenh. , legitimate, scientific
Nicotiana karara M.W.Chase & Christenh. , legitimate, scientific
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. subsp. edulis , legitimate, autonym
Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. var. denticulata , legitimate, autonym
Drosera atrata T.Krueger, A.Fleischm. & Bourke , legitimate, scientific
Drosera brevicornis Lowrie , legitimate, scientific
Drosera hortiorum T.Krueger & Bourke , legitimate, scientific
Drosera koikyennuruff T.Krueger & A.S.Rob. , legitimate, scientific
Drosera maanyaa-gooljoo A.Fleischm.& T.Krueger , legitimate, scientific
Drosera macropetala (Diels) T.Krueger & A.Fleischm. , legitimate, scientific
Drosera reflexa Bourke & A.S.Rob. , legitimate, scientific
Drosera rubricalyx T.Krueger & A.Fleischm. , legitimate, scientific
Drosera sp. Kentdale (G.J.Bourke 458) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Drosera sp. Lesueur National Park (C.A.Gardner 9350) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Drosera sp. Yampi Peninsula (A.J.M.Hopkins BA 0248) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Calandrinia halophila Albr. & J.G.West , legitimate, scientific
Calandrinia sp. Berry Springs (M.O.Parker 855) Dixon, R.A.Kerrigan & Cowie , [n/a], phrase name
Hibbertia aplacophylla K.R.Thiele , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia ciliolata Toelken , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia glaucophylla (Steud.) K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia hapalophylla K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia hesperia T.Hammer , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia remanens K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia rupicola (S.Moore) C.A.Gardner , legitimate, scientific
Hibbertia sp. Forrestania (J.M.Brown 210) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Hibbertia sp. Mt Holland (B.Ellery BE 1437) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Acrotriche platycarpa Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Leucopogon sp. Banovich Rd (M.Hislop 1296) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon sp. Howatharra (D. & N.McFarland 1046) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon sp. Kalbarri (J.M.Powell 1695) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon sp. Murchison (R.J.Cranfield 9224) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon sp. Varley (M.Hislop 3659) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon sp. Wheatbelt (S.Murray 257) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Styphelia anomala Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia brachygyna Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia cylindrica Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia howatharra Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia kalbarriensis Hislop & E.A.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia planiconvexa Hislop , legitimate, scientific
Styphelia sp. South Coast (J.M.Powell 3374) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Commersonia sp. Lesmurdie (A.A.Mitchell 11429) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Hibiscus sp. Mulga Downs (S.Hitchcock SH 638) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Sida sp. B (C.Dunlop 1739) W.R.Barker , [n/a], phrase name
Sida sp. Kathleen Springs (A.C.Beauglehole 26934) R.M.Barker , [n/a], phrase name
Sida sp. limestone (D.E.Albrecht 5748) R.M.Barker , [n/a], phrase name
Sida sp. tiny glabrous fruit (A.A.Mitchell PRP1152) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Sida sp. Turee Creek ( Kock PLDK1116) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Thysanotus banksii R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Thysanotus elatior R.Br. , legitimate, scientific