APNI NSL statistics
- Services Version: 1.0236
- Names: 161998
- Names with instances: 160730
- References: 36542
- Authors: 12983
- Instances of name usage: 737862
- Name type stats: (13)
- [scientific, 106868]
- [common, 27423]
- [phrase name, 13769]
- [autonym, 7078]
- [cultivar, 3986]
- [cultivar hybrid, 1374]
- [hybrid formula parents known, 763]
- [named hybrid, 598]
- [intergrade, 84]
- [vernacular, 41]
- [hybrid formula unknown 2nd parent, 9]
- [named hybrid autonym, 4]
- [graft/chimera, 1]
- Name status stats: (28)
- [legitimate, 91696]
- [[n/a], 42754]
- [orth. var., 9187]
- [[default], 4437]
- [nom. inval., nom. nud., 2861]
- [nom. inval., 2694]
- [nom. illeg., 2626]
- [nom. inval., pro syn., 1449]
- [isonym, 1144]
- [nom. cons., 932]
- [nom. illeg., nom. superfl., 903]
- [manuscript name, 647]
- [nom. rej., 279]
- [nom. superfl., 118]
- [nom. inval., nom. prov., 91]
- [nom. alt., 66]
- [nom. inval., nom. subnud., 36]
- [nom. illeg., nom. rej., 19]
- [nom. inval., nom. alt., 17]
- [nom. et orth. cons., 13]
- [nom. inval., opera utique oppressa, 12]
- [nom. et typ. cons., 8]
- [nom. cons., nom. alt., 3]
- [orth. cons., 2]
- [nom. alt., nom. illeg, 1]
- [nomina utique rejicienda, 1]
- [nom. inval., nom. confus., 1]
- [nom. inval., tautonym, 1]
- Name rank stats: (30)
- [Species, 87872]
- [[n/a], 27471]
- [Variety, 15635]
- [Genus, 8212]
- [Subspecies, 6231]
- [[unranked], 5488]
- [Section, 3711]
- [Family, 1790]
- [Form, 1559]
- [Subgenus, 860]
- [Series, 753]
- [Order, 691]
- [Subsection, 405]
- [Tribe, 252]
- [Subseries, 228]
- [Subfamily, 149]
- [Subvariety, 125]
- [Superorder, 119]
- [Subtribe, 115]
- [[infraspecies], 106]
- [Suborder, 75]
- [Subclass, 52]
- [[infragenus], 31]
- [Class, 19]
- [Division, 18]
- [Nothovariety, 13]
- [Subform, 13]
- [Superspecies, 3]
- [Domain, 1]
- [Kingdom, 1]
- Instance type stats: (35)
- [secondary reference, 311842]
- [taxonomic synonym, 103736]
- [nomenclatural synonym, 71598]
- [common name, 62933]
- [tax. nov., 58274]
- [primary reference, 34680]
- [basionym, 25797]
- [comb. nov., 23890]
- [misapplied, 11392]
- [orthographic variant, 9533]
- [autonym, 5957]
- [pro parte misapplied, 4843]
- [comb. et stat. nov., 3307]
- [pro parte taxonomic synonym, 2588]
- [nom. nov., 1612]
- [replaced synonym, 1561]
- [doubtful taxonomic synonym, 1172]
- [isonym, 767]
- [implicit autonym, 438]
- [explicit autonym, 401]
- [vernacular name, 376]
- [alternative name, 220]
- [nom. et stat. nov., 211]
- [unsourced misapplied, 187]
- [pro parte nomenclatural synonym, 179]
- [doubtful misapplied, 103]
- [[unknown], 88]
- [trade name, 41]
- [stat. nov., 38]
- [unsourced pro parte misapplied, 29]
- [doubtful pro parte misapplied, 28]
- [doubtful pro parte taxonomic synonym, 23]
- [unsourced doubtful misapplied, 15]
- [doubtful nomenclatural synonym, 2]
- [unsourced doubtful pro parte misapplied, 1]
- Recent name updates: (10)
- [Name 51793248: Stocky Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:53:23.016281, awheeler]
- [Name 51793238: Mallee Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:44:27.049223, awheeler]
- [Name 51793221: Granite Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:33:15.85309, awheeler]
- [Name 51793212: Large-lipped Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:24:56.032501, awheeler]
- [Name 51793206: Scaly Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:17:49.001295, awheeler]
- [Name 51793200: Copper Ruddyhood, 2025-02-12 18:13:01.609332, awheeler]
- [Name 51793196: Common Ruddyhood, 2025-02-12 18:09:15.389835, awheeler]
- [Name 51793192: Slender Ruddyhood, 2025-02-12 18:05:31.088961, awheeler]
- [Name 51793187: Small Rustyhood, 2025-02-12 18:00:23.825371, awheeler]
- [Name 51793179: Red-lip Greenhood, 2025-02-12 16:32:25.509311, awheeler]
- Recent reference updates: (10)
- [Reference 24087: (Section); (1805); Author 6858: Labillardière, J.J.H. de; Reference 17627: (Book); Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1804-1807); Author 6858: Labillardière, J.J.H. de; , 2025-02-11 08:41:14.447101, amonro]
- [Reference 27369: (Section); (1805); Author 6891: Ventenat, E.P.; Reference 17448: (Book); Jardin de la Malmaison (1803-1805); Author 6891: Ventenat, E.P.; , 2025-02-11 08:39:54.288478, amonro]
- [Reference 38038: (Paper); (1832); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; Reference 18902: (Journal); The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment. London (1815-1829); Author 10446: -; , 2025-02-10 15:19:56.427356, amonro]
- [Reference 31290: (Paper); Hovea villosa. Shaggy Hovea (1832); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; Reference 17552: (Journal); Edwards's Botanical Register (1829-1847); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; , 2025-02-10 15:15:40.678924, amonro]
- [Reference 26603: (Paper); Chorozema triangulare. Triangular Chorozema (1832); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; Reference 17552: (Journal); Edwards's Botanical Register (1829-1847); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; , 2025-02-10 15:15:20.59399, amonro]
- [Reference 26554: (Paper); Chorozema ovatum. Ovate Chorozema (1832); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; Reference 17552: (Journal); Edwards's Botanical Register (1829-1847); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; , 2025-02-10 15:15:08.79505, amonro]
- [Reference 34520: (Paper); Kennedya dilatata. Dilated Kennedya (1832); Author 1462: Cunningham, A.; Reference 17552: (Journal); Edwards's Botanical Register (1829-1847); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; , 2025-02-10 15:14:41.525582, amonro]
- [Reference 25870: (Paper); Gompholobium capitatum. Capitate Gompholobium (1832); Author 1462: Cunningham, A.; Reference 17552: (Journal); Edwards's Botanical Register (1829-1847); Author 1554: Lindley, J.; , 2025-02-10 15:14:21.85381, amonro]
- [Reference 33077: (Paper); (1925); Author 7585: Fassett, N.C.; Reference 17569: (Journal); Rhodora (1899-); Author 10446: -; , 2025-02-10 09:37:23.933709, amonro]
- [Reference 32272: (Paper); Synopsis of Dalbergieae, a Tribe of Leguminosae (1860); Author 1531: Bentham, G.; Reference 19653: (Journal); Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany ([1855] 1857-1864); Author 10446: -; , 2025-02-07 10:04:25.623202, amonro]
- Recent author updates: (10)
- [Author 51792943: Clements, M.A., Zimmer, H.C. & Jones, D.L.,, 2025-02-06 14:58:53.213063, amonro]
- [Author 51792932: Jones, D.L., Clements, M.A. & Zimmer, H.C., 2025-02-06 14:47:12.605572, amonro]
- [Author 51792927: Jones, D.L., Zimmer, H.C., Clements, M.A., Bruhl, J.J., Christian, J., Copeland, L.M., Hutton, I., Andersen, A. & Wilson, M., 2025-02-06 14:40:43.551454, amonro]
- [Author 51792671: McDougall, A.E. & Hammer, T.A., 2025-01-30 16:43:20.58956, jkellermann]
- [Author 51792509: Bruhl, J.J., Wilson, K.L. & Zhang, X., 2025-01-24 12:23:26.652214, mvera]
- [Author 51792461: Song, Z., 2025-01-23 10:27:18.595914, mvera]
- [Author 51792459: Song, Z., Xu, L., Balan, A.P., Gaudeul, M., Zhao, Y., Jiang, K., Li, T. & Li, S., 2025-01-23 09:41:23.346329, mvera]
- [Author 51791733: Chase, M.W., Christenhusz, M.J.M., Cauz-Santos, L.A., Dodsworth, S., Palsson, R., Conran, J.G., Nollet, F. & Samuel, R., 2025-01-10 08:59:31.246847, mvera]
- [Author 51791050: Toledo, C.A.P, Lucas, E.J., Forero, E., Falcão, M.J.A., Shimizu, G.H. & Souza, V.C., 2024-12-13 13:07:59.030195, mvera]
- [Author 51791040: Bhat, A.T., Prabhukumar, K.M. & Rana, T.S., 2024-12-13 09:26:02.492596, mvera]
- Recent instance updates: (10)
- [Inst 51793249: Name 51793248: Stocky Rustyhood; common name, 2025-02-12 18:53:57.430424, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793247: Name 50738447: Pterostylis sp. 'Lara'; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 18:52:52.541871, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793246: Name 51425131: Lowly Rustyhood; common name, 2025-02-12 18:51:25.001299, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793245: Name 171979: Oligochaetochilus despectans (Nicholls) Szlach.; nomenclatural synonym, 2025-02-12 18:50:27.20082, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793244: Name 51372471: Pterostylis despectans D.L.Jones; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 18:49:05.645539, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793243: Name 51425122: Floodplain Rustyhood; common name, 2025-02-12 18:47:46.909211, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793242: Name 179338: Oligochaetochilus cheraphilus (D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.; nomenclatural synonym, 2025-02-12 18:47:01.158749, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793241: Name 119041: Pterostylis cheraphila D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 18:46:16.676863, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793240: Name 51793238: Mallee Rustyhood; common name, 2025-02-12 18:45:01.909292, awheeler]
- [Inst 51793239: Name 87104: Cryptandra subg. Solenandra Reissek; taxonomic synonym, 2025-02-12 18:44:51.71957, cparker]
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