Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Phebalium Vent.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium albiflorum ( Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium alpinum ( Benth.) Maiden & Betche
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Phebalium ambiens ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium ambiens ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche x Phebalium rotundifolium (A.Cunn. ex Endl.) Benth.
, [n/a] , hybrid formula parents known
Phebalium ambiguum C.A.Gardner
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium amblycarpum ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium amplifolium ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium anceps DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium appressum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium apricum ( Diels) Ewart & B.Rees
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium argenteum Sm.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Phebalium asteriscophorum F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium asteriscophorum F.Muell.
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Phebalium aureum A.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium baxteri Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium beckleri ( F.Muell.) Engl.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium bifidum P.H.Weston & M.J.Turton
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium billardierei A.Juss.
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Phebalium billardierei A.Juss. var. billardierei
, legitimate , autonym
Phebalium billardierei var. retusum ( Hook.) Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium billardieri A.Juss.
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium billardierii A.R.Chapm.
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium bilobum Lindl.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium bilobum Bartl.
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Phebalium brachycalyx Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium brachyphyllum Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium brevifolium Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium buckinghamii Blakely
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium bullatum J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium buxifolium Benth.
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Phebalium calcicola S.Dema & I.Telford
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium canaliculatum ( F.Muell. & Tate) J.H.Willis
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium canaliculatum ( F.Muell. & Tate) J.H.Willis - Phebalium tuberculosum ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, [n/a] , intergrade
Phebalium capitatum S.Moore
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium carruthersii ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium cicatricatum A.J.Ford & Duretto
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium clavatum C.A.Gardner
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium correaefolium A.Juss.
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium correifolium A.Juss.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Correoides ( Endl.) Pfeiff.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium a. Correoides Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium coxii ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium daviesii Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium dentatum Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium deserti Ewart & B.Rees
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium desertii ( E.Pritz.) Ewart & B.Rees
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium diosmeum A.Juss.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium distans P.I.Forst.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium drummondii Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elaeagnifolium A.Juss.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elaeagnoides Sieber ex A.Juss.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elatius ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elatius subsp. beckleri ( F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elatius ( F.Muell.) Benth. subsp. elatius
, legitimate , autonym
Phebalium elatum A.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium elatus W.A.Dixon
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium elegans Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium ellipticum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium equestre D.A.Cooke
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Eriostemoides Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Euphebalium Benth.
, nom. inval. , scientific
Phebalium euphemiae ( F.Muell.) C.A.Gardner
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium festivum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium filifolium Turcz.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium filifolium Turcz. - Phebalium maxwellii ( F.Muell.) Engl.
, [n/a] , intergrade
Phebalium filifolium Turcz. - Phebalium tuberculosum subsp. megaphyllum ( Ewart) Paul G.Wilson
, [n/a] , intergrade
Phebalium filifolium Turcz. x Phebalium tuberculosum ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, [n/a] , hybrid formula parents known
Phebalium frondosum N.G.Walsh & Albr.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum Hook.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. 1 (Mallee) Vic. Herbarium
, [n/a] , phrase name
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. 2 (Snowy River) Vic. Herbarium
, [n/a] , phrase name
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. angustifolium Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum var. bullatum ( J.M.Black) Court
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum var. daviesii ( Hook.f.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum var. eglandulosa Blakely
, orth. var. , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosum ( Blakely) Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum var. eglandulosum Blakely
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum Hook. subsp. glandulosum
, legitimate , autonym
Phebalium glandulosum Hook. var. glandulosum
, legitimate , autonym
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. macrocalyx R.L.Giles
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. nitidum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. riparium R.L.Giles
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Gonioclados Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium gracile C.T.White
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium grandiflorum Hook.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium graniticola I.Telford & J.J.Bruhl
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium hexapetalum A.Juss.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium hillebrandii J.H.Willis
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium lachnaeoides A.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium lachnoides Sweet
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Phebalium laevigatum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium lamprophyllum ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Leionema ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium sect. Lepidotia Rchb.
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Phebalium lepidotum ( Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium lepidotum ( Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson var. lepidotum
, legitimate , autonym
Phebalium lepidotum ( Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson - Phebalium tuberculosum ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, [n/a] , intergrade
Phebalium lepidotum var. obovatum Paul G.Wilson
, legitimate , scientific
Phebalium lineare C.A.Gardner
, legitimate , scientific