Rutaceae Juss.
Phebalium cicatricatum A.J.Ford & Duretto , legitimate, scientific
Ford, A.J. & Duretto, M.F. (24 August 2020), Phebalium cicatricatum (Rutaceae), a newly described and Critically Endangered species from north-eastern Queensland, Australia. Telopea 23: 132-135, Figs 1, 2 (map) [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "QUEENSLAND: North Kennedy District: Ravenshoe State Forest, off Wooroora road south of Ravenshoe, 21 Apr 2020, A. Ford 6778 and W. Cooper (holotype: BRI; isotypes: AD, CANB, CNS, HO, K, MEL, MO, NE, NSW, PERTH)."
  • Etymology: "The epithet cicatricatum, from the Latin cicatrix (scar), in reference to the high probability of injury that explorers face as a consequence of walking amongst the thick heathy vegetation and jagged angular rocks (rhyolite) in the Ravenshoe area including where this species is found."
Brown, G.K. (December 2021), Appendix A: New names and name and status changes 2020 to 2021. Introduction to the Census of the Queensland Flora 2021: 13 [secondary reference]