Vascular Plants

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Grimwade, R. (1930), An anthography of the eucalypts Edn. 2 : null - null (Section) Grimwade, R. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Angophora intermedia DC.
  2. Apple Box
  3. Apple of Victoria
  4. Argyle Apple
  5. Bald Island Maalok
  6. Bangalay
  7. Black Peppermint
  8. Blackbutt
  9. Bloodwood
  10. Blue Bush
  11. Blue Gum
  12. Blue Gum of Western Australia
  13. Blue Mallee
  14. Blue Peppermint
  15. Bog Gum
  16. Broad-leaf Ironbark
  17. Broad-leaf Peppermint
  18. Bull Mallee
  19. Bulli White Gum
  20. Bullich
  21. Bundy
  22. Bushy Yate
  23. Cabbage Gum
  24. Camden Woollybutt
  25. Candlebark
  26. Common Peppermint
  27. Coolabah
  28. Coolgardie White Gum
  29. Desert Gum
  30. Drooping Gum
  31. Eucalyptus acacioides A.Cunn. ex Maiden
  32. Eucalyptus acutangula Turcz.
  33. Eucalyptus albens Benth.
  34. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. australiana Grimwade
  35. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. colossea Grimwade
  36. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. dives Grimwade
  37. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. latifolia H.Deane & Maiden
  38. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. regnans F.Muell.
  39. Eucalyptus amygdalina var. x hypericifolia Benth.
  40. Eucalyptus androsaemifolia Hoffmanns.
  41. Eucalyptus androsemaefolia Grimwade
  42. Eucalyptus apiculata R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.
  43. Eucalyptus australiana R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.
  44. Eucalyptus baueriana Schauer
  45. Eucalyptus behriana F.Muell.
  46. Eucalyptus botryoides Sm.
  47. Eucalyptus brachypoda Turcz.
  48. Eucalyptus calophylla Lindl.
  49. Eucalyptus calophylla var. rosea Guilf.
  50. Eucalyptus calycogona Turcz.
  51. Eucalyptus cambagei H.Deane & Maiden
  52. Eucalyptus camphora R.T.Baker
  53. Eucalyptus cinerea F.Muell. ex Benth.
  54. Eucalyptus cinerea var. multiflora Maiden
  55. Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.
  56. Eucalyptus citryandra Grimwade
  57. Eucalyptus cladocalyx F.Muell.
  58. Eucalyptus cneorifolia DC.
  59. Eucalyptus coccifera Hook.f.
  60. Eucalyptus colossea F.Muell.
  61. Eucalyptus connata Dum.Cours.
  62. Eucalyptus conoidea Benth.
  63. Eucalyptus coriacea A.Cunn. ex Schauer
  64. Eucalyptus cornuta Labill.
  65. Eucalyptus corymbosa Sm.
  66. Eucalyptus corynocalyx F.Muell.
  67. Eucalyptus cosmophylla F.Muell.
  68. Eucalyptus crebra F.Muell.
  69. Eucalyptus cunninghamii G.Don
  70. Eucalyptus daphnoides Miq.
  71. Eucalyptus desertorum Naudin
  72. Eucalyptus diversicolor F.Muell.
  73. Eucalyptus diversifolia Bonpl.
  74. Eucalyptus dives Schauer
  75. Eucalyptus elaeophora F.Muell.
  76. Eucalyptus erythronema Turcz.
  77. Eucalyptus eugenioides Sieber ex Spreng.
  78. Eucalyptus eximia Schauer
  79. Eucalyptus ficifolia F.Muell.
  80. Eucalyptus fletcheri R.T.Baker
  81. Eucalyptus floribunda Hügel ex Endl.
  82. Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
  83. Eucalyptus globulus var. stjohnii R.T.Baker
  84. Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC.
  85. Eucalyptus goniocalyx F.Muell. ex Miq.
  86. Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill
  87. Eucalyptus granularis Grimwade
  88. Eucalyptus haemastoma Sm.
  89. Eucalyptus haemastoma var. micrantha (DC.) Benth.
  90. Eucalyptus hemiphloia F.Muell. ex Benth.
  91. Eucalyptus hemiphloia var. albens C.Moore
  92. Eucalyptus hypericifolia Grimwade
  93. Eucalyptus hypericifolia Grimwade
  94. Eucalyptus hypoleuca Schauer
  95. Eucalyptus inophloia Grimwade
  96. Eucalyptus kirtoni Grimwade
  97. Eucalyptus kitsoniana Maiden
  98. Eucalyptus lehmannii (Schauer) Benth.
  99. Eucalyptus leptophleba F.Muell.
  100. Eucalyptus leucoxylon F.Muell.
  101. Eucalyptus leucoxylon var. macrocarpa J.E.Br.
  102. Eucalyptus linearis Dehnh.
  103. Eucalyptus longicornis (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Maiden
  104. Eucalyptus longifolia Link
  105. Eucalyptus luehmanniana F.Muell.
  106. Eucalyptus macarthurii H.Deane & Maiden
  107. Eucalyptus macrandra F.Muell. ex Benth.
  108. Eucalyptus macrocarpa Hook.
  109. Eucalyptus macrorhyncha F.Muell. ex Benth.
  110. Eucalyptus maculata Hook.
  111. Eucalyptus maculata var. citriodora (Hook.) F.M.Bailey
  112. Eucalyptus maculosa R.T.Baker
  113. Eucalyptus mahoganii F.Muell.
  114. Eucalyptus maidenii F.Muell.
  115. Eucalyptus mannifera Mudie
  116. Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.
  117. Eucalyptus megacarpa F.Muell.
  118. Eucalyptus melanophloia F.Muell.
  119. Eucalyptus melissiodora Lindl.
  120. Eucalyptus melliodora A.Cunn. ex Schauer
  121. Eucalyptus micrantha DC.
  122. Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell.
  123. Eucalyptus microphylla A.Cunn.
  124. Eucalyptus microtheca F.Muell.
  125. Eucalyptus mucronata Link
  126. Eucalyptus muelleriana A.W.Howitt
  127. Eucalyptus numerosa Maiden
  128. Eucalyptus nutans F.Muell.
  129. Eucalyptus obcordata Turcz.
  130. Eucalyptus obliqua L'Hér.
  131. Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl.
  132. Eucalyptus occidentalis var. macrandra (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Maiden
  133. Eucalyptus oleosa var. longicornis F.Muell.
  134. Eucalyptus ovata Labill.
  135. Eucalyptus ovata var. camphora (R.T.Baker) Maiden
  136. Eucalyptus paludosa R.T.Baker
  137. Eucalyptus paniculata Sm.
  138. Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieber ex Spreng.
  139. Eucalyptus pedicellata Grimwade
  140. Eucalyptus persicifolia Lodd., G.Lodd. & W.Lodd.
  141. Eucalyptus pilularis Sm.
  142. Eucalyptus pilularis var. muelleriana (A.W.Howitt) Maiden
  143. Eucalyptus piperita J.White
  144. Eucalyptus planchoniana F.Muell.
  145. Eucalyptus platypodos Cav.
  146. Eucalyptus platypus Hook.
  147. Eucalyptus platypus var. acutifolia Grimwade
  148. Eucalyptus pleurocarpa Schauer
  149. Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer
  150. Eucalyptus polybractea R.T.Baker
  151. Eucalyptus preissiana Schauer
  152. Eucalyptus pulchella Desf.
  153. Eucalyptus pulverulenta Sims
  154. Eucalyptus pulvigera A.Cunn.
  155. Eucalyptus punctata DC.
  156. Eucalyptus pyriformis Turcz.
  157. Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC.
  158. Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
  159. Eucalyptus risdonii Hook.f.
  160. Eucalyptus robusta Sm.
  161. Eucalyptus rostrata Schltdl.
  162. Eucalyptus rubida H.Deane & Maiden
  163. Eucalyptus rudis Endl.
  164. Eucalyptus saligna Sm.
  165. Eucalyptus saligna var. pallidivalvis R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.
  166. Eucalyptus salmonophloia F.Muell.
  167. Eucalyptus santalifolia F.Muell.
  168. Eucalyptus scabra Dum.Cours.
  169. Eucalyptus semicorticata F.Muell.
  170. Eucalyptus siderophloia Benth.
  171. Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.Cunn. ex Woolls
  172. Eucalyptus sideroxylon var. pallens (Benth.) Burtt Davy
  173. Eucalyptus sieberiana F.Muell.
  174. Eucalyptus signata F.Muell.
  175. Eucalyptus squamosa H.Deane & Maiden
  176. Eucalyptus stjohnii (R.T.Baker) R.T.Baker
  177. Eucalyptus stricta Sieber ex Spreng.
  178. Eucalyptus stricta DC.
  179. Eucalyptus stricta var. x rigida H.Deane & Maiden
  180. Eucalyptus stuartiana F.Muell. ex Miq.
  181. Eucalyptus subrotunda Maiden
  182. Eucalyptus teretecornis Grimwade
  183. Eucalyptus teretecornis var. insulana Grimwade
  184. Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.
  185. Eucalyptus tetraptera Turcz.
  186. Eucalyptus torquata Luehm.
  187. Eucalyptus uncinata Turcz.
  188. Eucalyptus viminalis Labill.
  189. Eucalyptus virgata Sieber ex Spreng.
  190. Eucalyptus virgata var. stricta (Sieber ex Spreng.) Maiden
  191. Eucalyptus viridis R.T.Baker
  192. Eucalyptus woollsii F.Muell.
  193. Eucalyptus x alpina Lindl.
  194. Eucalyptus x tetragona (R.Br.) F.Muell.
  195. Eudesmia tetragona R.Br.
  196. Flat-root
  197. Flat-topped Yate
  198. Flooded Gum
  199. Forest Box
  200. Forest Red Gum
  201. Fuzzy Box
  202. Gippsland Mallee
  203. Goldfields Red-flowering Gum
  204. Grampians Gum
  205. Green Mallee
  206. Grey Box
  207. Grey Gum
  208. Grey Ironbark
  209. Grey Leaf Ironbark
  210. Gum-Myrtle
  211. Gum-top
  212. Heart-leaved Eucalyptus
  213. Hooked Mallee
  214. Ironwood
  215. Jarrah
  216. Kalgan Plains Mallee
  217. Karri
  218. Large-fruited Mallee
  219. Large-fruited Yellow Gum
  220. Laurel Gum
  221. Leather Jacket
  222. Lemon-scented Gum
  223. Long-leaf Box
  224. Maalok
  225. Mahogany
  226. Mallet
  227. Manna Gum
  228. Marri
  229. Mealy Gum
  230. Mealy Stringybark
  231. Messmate
  232. Messmate Stringybark
  233. Minor Blue Gum
  234. Moort
  235. Morrel
  236. Mount Lindsay Gum
  237. Mountain Ash
  238. Mountain Bloodwood
  239. Mountain Gum
  240. Mountain Mallee
  241. Mountain Peppermint
  242. Mugga
  243. Narrow Leaf
  244. Narrow-leaf Ironbark
  245. Needlebark
  246. Ooldea Mallee
  247. Pointed Leaf Maalok
  248. Porcupine Stringybark
  249. Red Box
  250. Red Gum
  251. Red Gum of Western Australia
  252. Red Ironbark
  253. Red Mallee
  254. Red Morrel
  255. Red Stringybark
  256. Red-flowered Gum
  257. Ribbony Gum
  258. Risdon Gum
  259. River Gum of Western Australia
  260. River Red Gum
  261. River White Gum
  262. Rose of the West
  263. Sallow Gum
  264. Salmon Gum
  265. Sand Plain Gum
  266. Sandal Gum
  267. Scarlet-flowered Gum
  268. Scribbly Gum
  269. Scrub Gum
  270. Silver-leaf Ironbark
  271. Silver-leaf Stringybark
  272. Silver-top
  273. Slender Mallee
  274. Spotted Blue Gum
  275. Spotted Gum
  276. Stirling Range Mallee
  277. Sugar Gum
  278. Swamp Gum
  279. Swamp Mahogany
  280. Swamp Yate
  281. Sydney Blue Gum
  282. Sydney Peppermint
  283. Symphyomyrtus lehmannii Schauer
  284. Tallow-wood
  285. Toolur
  286. Tree Yate
  287. Tuart
  288. Weeping Gum (Tas.)
  289. Whipstick
  290. White Box
  291. White Brittle Gum
  292. White Gum
  293. White Gum of Western Australia
  294. White Maalok
  295. White Peppermint
  296. White Sallee
  297. White Stringybark
  298. Woollybutt
  299. Yandert
  300. Yellow Bloodwood
  301. Yellow Box
  302. Yellow Gum
  303. Yellow Stringybark
  304. Yowut
  305. Yudhulwan

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