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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Lepidosperma Labill. Lepidosperma amansiferrum R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma amantiferrum R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma angustata R.Br. Lepidosperma angustatum R.Br. Lepidosperma angustatum var. curvispicula Benth. Lepidosperma angustatum var. curvispiculum Benth. Lepidosperma angustifolium Hook.f. Lepidosperma aphyllum R.Br. Lepidosperma asperatum ( Kük.) R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma australe ( A.Rich.) Hook.f. Lepidosperma avium K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma benthamianum C.B.Clarke Lepidosperma brunonianum Nees Lepidosperma brunonianum var. binuciferum Kük. Lepidosperma bungalbin R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma canescens Boeckeler Lepidosperma carphoides F.Muell. exBenth. Lepidosperma chinense Nees & Meyen exKunth Lepidosperma chinense Nees & Meyen Lepidosperma clipeicola K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma concavum R.Br. Lepidosperma concavum var. pyramidatum Benth. Lepidosperma confine Nees Lepidosperma congesta R.Br. Lepidosperma congestum R.Br. Lepidosperma costale Nees Lepidosperma costale var. densispicatum Kük. Lepidosperma curtisiae K.L.Wilson & D.I.Morris Lepidosperma diurnum R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma drummondii Benth. Lepidosperma drummondii var. angustisquamellosum Kük. Lepidosperma drummondii var. floribundum Kük. Lepidosperma effusum Benth. Lepidosperma elatior Labill. Lepidosperma elatius Labill. Lepidosperma elatius var. ensiforme Rodway Lepidosperma elatius var. oldfieldii ( Hook.f.) Rodway Lepidosperma elatius var. planoconvexum Kük. Lepidosperma ensiforme ( Rodway) D.I.Morris Lepidosperma evansianum K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma exaltatum R.Br. Lepidosperma exsul C.B.Clarke Lepidosperma falcatum Rodway Lepidosperma ferricola R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma ferriculmen R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma filiforme Labill. Lepidosperma filiformis Labill. Lepidosperma fimbriatum Nees Lepidosperma flexuosa R.Br. Lepidosperma flexuosum R.Br. Lepidosperma forsythii A.A.Ham. Lepidosperma gahnioides R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma gibsonii R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma gladiata Labill. Lepidosperma gladiatum Labill. Lepidosperma globosa Labill. Lepidosperma globosum Labill. Lepidosperma gracile R.Br. Lepidosperma gracilis R.Br. Lepidosperma gunnii Boeckeler Lepidosperma humile ( Nees) Boeckeler Lepidosperma inops F.Muell. exRodway Lepidosperma jacksonense R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma laeve R.Br. Lepidosperma laevis R.Br. Lepidosperma latens K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma laterale R.Br. Lepidosperma laterale var. angustum Benth. Lepidosperma laterale var. majus Benth. Lepidosperma laterale var. typicum Domin Lepidosperma lateralis R.Br. Lepidosperma leptophyllum Benth. Lepidosperma leptostachyum Benth. Lepidosperma leptostachyum var. asperatum Kük. Lepidosperma limicola N.A.Wakef. Lepidosperma limicolum N.A.Wakef. Lepidosperma lineare R.Br. Lepidosperma lineare var. depauperatum Benth. Lepidosperma lineare var. gracile ( R.Br.) Kük. Lepidosperma lineare var. humile Nees Lepidosperma lineare var. inops ( F.Muell. exRodway) Rodway Lepidosperma longitudinale Labill. Lepidosperma longitudinalis Labill. Lepidosperma lyonsii R.L.Barrett Lepidosperma muelleri Boeckeler Lepidosperma neesii Kunth Lepidosperma oldfieldii Hook.f. Lepidosperma pruinosum var. rigidulum Kük. Lepidosperma rigidulum ( Kük.) K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma sanguinolentum K.L.Wilson Lepidosperma sect. Ancipitia Kük. Lepidosperma Labill. sect. Lepidosperma Lepidosperma sect. Tereticaulia ( Benth.) Kük. Lepidosperma sect. Tetraquetra Kük. Lepidosperma ser. Densiflora Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Densiflorae Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Floribunda Benth. Lepidosperma Labill. ser. Lepidosperma Lepidosperma ser. Longitudinales Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Longitudinalia Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Stenostachya Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Stenostachyae Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Tereticaules Benth. Lepidosperma ser. Tereticaulia Benth. Lepidosperma sieberi Kunth Lepidosperma sp. Aurora Range (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 3761) Lepidosperma sp. Goldfields Ranges (N.Gibson & K.Brown 3175) Lepidosperma sp. Ironcap (K.R.Newbey 5233) Lepidosperma sp. Jackson Range (E.Mattiske 180-LM373) Lepidosperma sp. Jaurdi (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 2506) Lepidosperma sp. K Boorabbin (K.L.Wilson 2579) WA Herbarium Lepidosperma sp. Kundip (G.F.Craig 6011) Lepidosperma sp. Mt Gibson (R.Meissner & Y.Caruso 3) Lepidosperma sp. Mt Jackson (L.Mattiske 193-2/572) Lepidosperma squamatum var. curvispiculum ( Benth.) Domin Lepidosperma squamatum var. pyramidatum ( Benth.) Kük. Lepidosperma subg. Cladiopsis Kük. Lepidosperma subg. Eulepidosperma Kük. Lepidosperma Labill. subg. Lepidosperma Lepidosperma subsect. Angustimarginata Kük. Lepidosperma subsect. Gracilia Kük. Lepidosperma subsect. Latimarginata Kük. Lepidosperma Labill. subsect. Lepidosperma Lepidosperma subsect. Resinosa Kük. Lepidosperma subsect. Rigida Kük. Tricostularia aphylla ( R.Br.) K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett Tricostularia exsul ( C.B.Clarke) K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett Tricostularia neesii var. elatior Benth. Vauthiera australis A.Rich.
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