Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Short, P.S. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Brachyscome. Flora of Victoria 4 : 835-859 (Section) Short, P.S. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Bellis aculeata Labill.
  2. Bellis ciliaris Labill.
  3. Bellis graminea Labill.
  4. Brachycome goniocarpa var. longiscapa Reader
  5. Brachyscome Cass.
  6. Brachyscome aculeata (Labill.) Less.
  7. Brachyscome alpina P.Morris
  8. Brachyscome angustifolia A.Cunn. ex DC.
  9. Brachyscome basaltica var. gracilis Benth.
  10. Brachyscome cardiocarpa F.Muell. ex Benth.
  11. Brachyscome cardiocarpa var. alpina F.Muell. ex Benth.
  12. Brachyscome chrysoglossa F.Muell.
  13. Brachyscome ciliaris (Labill.) Less.
  14. Brachyscome ciliaris var. brachyglossa Gauba
  15. Brachyscome ciliaris var. subintegrifolia G.L.Davis
  16. Brachyscome cuneifolia Tate
  17. Brachyscome curvicarpa G.L.Davis
  18. Brachyscome debilis Sond.
  19. Brachyscome decipiens Hook.f.
  20. Brachyscome dentata Gaudich.
  21. Brachyscome diversifolia (Graham ex Hook.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
  22. Brachyscome exilis Sond.
  23. Brachyscome goniocarpa Sond. & F.Muell.
  24. Brachyscome gracilis G.L.Davis
  25. Brachyscome graminea (Labill.) F.Muell.
  26. Brachyscome heterodonta DC.
  27. Brachyscome leptocarpa F.Muell.
  28. Brachyscome linearifolia DC.
  29. Brachyscome lineariloba (DC.) Druce
  30. Brachyscome lissocarpa J.M.Black
  31. Brachyscome marginata Benth.
  32. Brachyscome marginata var. chrysoglossa (F.Muell.) G.L.Davis
  33. Brachyscome muelleroides G.L.Davis
  34. Brachyscome multicaulis F.Muell.
  35. Brachyscome multifida DC.
  36. Brachyscome multifida var. dilatata Benth.
  37. Brachyscome neglecta J.M.Black
  38. Brachyscome nivalis F.Muell.
  39. Brachyscome nivalis var. alpina (Benth.) G.L.Davis
  40. Brachyscome obovata G.L.Davis
  41. Brachyscome pachyptera Turcz.
  42. Brachyscome parvula Hook.f.
  43. Brachyscome parvula var. lissocarpa (J.M.Black) G.L.Davis
  44. Brachyscome perpusilla (Steetz) J.M.Black
  45. Brachyscome perpusilla var. tenella (Turcz.) G.L.Davis
  46. Brachyscome petrophila G.L.Davis
  47. Brachyscome ptychocarpa F.Muell.
  48. Brachyscome radicans Steetz
  49. Brachyscome readeri G.L.Davis
  50. Brachyscome rigidula (DC.) G.L.Davis
  51. Brachyscome riparia G.L.Davis
  52. Brachyscome scapiformis DC.
  53. Brachyscome scapigera (Sieber ex Spreng.) DC.
  54. Brachyscome sp. 1
  55. Brachyscome sp. 2
  56. Brachyscome sp. 3
  57. Brachyscome spathulata Gaudich. subsp. spathulata
  58. Brachyscome tadgellii Tovey & P.Morris
  59. Brachyscome tenella Turcz.
  60. Brachyscome tenuiscapa Hook.f.
  61. Brachyscome trachycarpa F.Muell.
  62. Brachyscome uliginosa G.L.Davis
  63. Brachystephium leucanthemoides Less.
  64. Brachystephium scapigerum (Sieber ex Spreng.) DC.
  65. Coast Daisy
  66. Cut-leaf Daisy
  67. Dookie Daisy
  68. Dwarf Daisy
  69. Field Daisy
  70. Finger-leaved Daisy
  71. Grass Daisy
  72. Hard-headed Daisy
  73. Inland Daisy
  74. Leafy Daisy
  75. Lobe-seed Daisy
  76. Marsh Daisy
  77. Paquerina graminea (Labill.) Less.
  78. Pyrethrum diversifolium Graham
  79. Reader's Daisy
  80. Rock Daisy
  81. Senecio scapiger Sieber ex Spreng.
  82. Silphiosperma perpusillum Steetz
  83. Snow Daisy
  84. Snowy River Daisy
  85. Steiroglossa lineariloba DC.
  86. Steiroglossa rigidula DC.
  87. Swamp Daisy
  88. Tall Daisy
  89. Tiny Daisy
  90. Tufted Daisy
  91. Variable Daisy
  92. Yellow-tongue Daisy

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