A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Arthragrostis brassiana B.K.Simon Arthragrostis brassiana B.K.Simon var. brassiana Arthragrostis brassiana var. minutiflora B.K.Simon Brachiaria notochthona ( Domin) Stapf Brachiaria occidentalis C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb. Brachiaria occidentalis var. ciliata C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb. Brachiaria occidentalis C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb. var. occidentalis Cenchrus americanus ( L.) Morrone Cenchrus basedowii ( Summerh. & C.E.Hubb.) Morrone Cenchrus brevisetosus ( B.K.Simon) B.K.Simon Cenchrus ciliaris L. Cenchrus clandestinus ( Hochst. exChiov.) Morrone Cenchrus elymoides F.Muell. Cenchrus elymoides var. brevisetosus B.K.Simon Cenchrus incertus M.A.Curtis Cenchrus longisetus M.C.Johnst. Cenchrus macrourus ( Trin.) Morrone Cenchrus pedicellatus ( Trin.) Morrone Cenchrus pedicellatus subsp. unispiculus ( Brunken) Morrone Cenchrus pennisetiformis Hochst. & Steud. Cenchrus polystachios ( L.) Morrone Cenchrus purpurascens Thunb. Cenchrus purpureus ( Schumach.) Morrone Cenchrus setaceus ( Forssk.) Morrone Cenchrus setiger Vahl Cenchrus spinifex Cav. Cenchrus thunbergii ( Kunth) Morrone Cenchrus x advena ( Wipff & Veldkamp) Morrone Chamaeraphis minuta Mez Cyrtococcum Stapf Digitaria basaltica B.K.Simon Digitaria breviglumis ( Domin) Henrard Digitaria cowiei B.K.Simon Digitaria diminuta Hughes Digitaria dolleryi B.K.Simon Digitaria fumida S.T.Blake Digitaria orbata Hughes Digitaria sharpeana B.K.Simon Digitaria sp. (Chesterton NP C.Dollery 354) Digitaria sp. (Great Basalt Wall R.J.Fensham 2183) Digitaria sp. (Mt Mulligan J.R.Clarkson 5821) Digitaria sp. (Sunnybank S.T.Blake 5300) Digitaria sp. (Surat S.T.Blake 21286) Digitaria sp. Amungee Mungee Stn (I.D.Cowie+ 1752) Digitaria veldkampiana B.K.Simon Entolasia minutifolia B.K.Simon Entolasia sp. (Miles S.T.Blake 7709) Entolasia sp. A Isachne miliacea var. minutula ( Gaudich.) Fosberg & Sachet Isachne minutula ( Gaudich.) Kunth Isachne pulchella Roth exRoem. & Schult. Isachne sharpii B.K.Simon Isachne sp. (Cape Tribulation R.L.Jago 4560) Isachne sp. A Oplismenus mollis ( Domin) Clifford & G.P.Evans exB.K.Simon Oplismenus undulatifolius var. mollis Domin Panicum breviglume Domin Panicum heteroneuron Mez Panicum minutulum Gaudich. Panicum notochthonum Domin Panicum pallidefuscum Schumach. Panicum parviflorum var. pilosa Benth. Panicum parviflorum var. pilosum Benth. Paspalidium johnsonii B.K.Simon Paspalidium sp. (Musselbrook R.W.Johnson+ MRS792) Pennisetum alopecuroides ( L.) Spreng. Pennisetum basedowii Summerh. & C.E.Hubb. Pennisetum ciliare ( L.) Link Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. exChiov. Pennisetum elymoides ( F.Muell.) C.A.Gardner Pennisetum glaucum ( L.) R.Br. Pennisetum macrourum Trin. Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin. Pennisetum pedicellatum subsp. unispiculum Brunken Pennisetum pennisetiforme ( Hochst. & Steud.) Wipff Pennisetum polystachion ( L.) Schult. Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. Pennisetum setaceum ( Forssk.) Chiov. Pennisetum setigerum ( Vahl) Wipff Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth Pennisetum villosum R.Br. exFresen. Pennisetum x advena Wipff & Veldkamp Pseudoraphis jagonis B.K.Simon Pseudoraphis minuta ( Mez) Pilg. Pseudoraphis minuta var. laevis B.K.Simon Pseudoraphis minuta ( Mez) Pilg. var. minuta Pseudoraphis sp. (Port Douglas R.L.Jago 6610) Setaria glauca subsp. subtesselata Buse Setaria glauca var. pallidefusca ( Schumach.) T.Koyama Setaria pallide-fusca ( Schumach.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb. Setaria pumila subsp. pallidefusca ( Schumach.) B.K.Simon Setaria pumila subsp. subtesselata ( Buse) B.K.Simon Urochloa gilesii subsp. occidentalis ( C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb.) R.D.Webster Urochloa gilesii ( Benth.) Hughes var. gilesii Urochloa gilesii var. nothochthona B.K.Simon Urochloa gilesii var. notochthona ( Domin) B.K.Simon Urochloa notochthona ( Domin) Hughes Urochloa occidentalis ( C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb.) B.K.Simon Urochloa occidentalis var. ciliata ( C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb.) B.K.Simon Urochloa occidentalis ( C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb.) B.K.Simon var. occidentalis
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