Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Wapstra, M., Thompson, I. & Buchanan, A. (2008), An illustrated and annotated key to the Tasmanian species of Senecio (Asteraceae). Kanunnah 3 : 49-93 (Paper) Wapstra, M., Thompson, I. & Buchanan, A. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Senecio albogilvus I.Thomps.
  2. Senecio angulatus L.f.
  3. Senecio biserratus Belcher
  4. Senecio campylocarpus I.Thomps.
  5. Senecio elegans L.
  6. Senecio extensus I.Thomps.
  7. Senecio georgianus DC.
  8. Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir.
  9. Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. subsp. glomeratus
  10. Senecio glomeratus subsp. longifructus I.Thomps.
  11. Senecio gunnii (Hook.f.) Belcher
  12. Senecio hispidissimus I.Thomps.
  13. Senecio hispidulus A.Rich.
  14. Senecio jacobaea L.
  15. Senecio leptocarpus DC.
  16. Senecio linearifolius A.Rich.
  17. Senecio linearifolius var. arachnoideus I.Thomps.
  18. Senecio linearifolius var. denticulatus I.Thomps.
  19. Senecio linearifolius var. latifolius I.Thomps.
  20. Senecio linearifolius A.Rich. var. linearifolius
  21. Senecio longipilus I.Thomps.
  22. Senecio macrocarpus F.Muell. ex Belcher
  23. Senecio microbasis I.Thomps.
  24. Senecio minimus Poir.
  25. Senecio odoratus Hornem.
  26. Senecio papillosus F.Muell.
  27. Senecio pectinatus DC. var. pectinatus
  28. Senecio phelleus I.Thomps.
  29. Senecio pinnatifolius A.Rich.
  30. Senecio pinnatifolius var. alpinus (Ali) I.Thomps.
  31. Senecio pinnatifolius var. capillifolius (Hook.f.) I.Thomps.
  32. Senecio pinnatifolius var. lanceolatus (Benth.) I.Thomps.
  33. Senecio pinnatifolius var. maritimus (Ali) I.Thomps.
  34. Senecio pinnatifolius A.Rich. var. pinnatifolius
  35. Senecio prenanthoides A.Rich.
  36. Senecio primulifolius F.Muell.
  37. Senecio psilocarpus Belcher & Albr.
  38. Senecio quadridentatus Labill.
  39. Senecio spathulatus A.Rich. var. spathulatus
  40. Senecio squarrosus A.Rich.
  41. Senecio tasmanicus I.Thomps.
  42. Senecio vagus F.Muell. subsp. vagus
  43. Senecio velleioides A.Cunn. ex DC.
  44. Senecio vulgaris L.
  45. broadleaf fireweed groundsel
  46. bulging fireweed
  47. coarse fireweed
  48. cobweb fireweed groundsel
  49. common coast groundsel
  50. common fireweed
  51. common groundsel
  52. cotton fireweed
  53. dune groundsel
  54. fineleaf coast groundsel
  55. fireweed groundsel
  56. forest groundsel
  57. grey fireweed
  58. highland groundsel
  59. jagged fireweed
  60. lanceleaf coast groundsel
  61. largefruit fireweed
  62. leafy fireweed
  63. longfruit purple fireweed
  64. longhair fireweed
  65. mountain fireweed
  66. narrow fireweed
  67. purple fireweed
  68. purple groundsel
  69. ragwort
  70. rock fireweed
  71. rough fireweed
  72. sawleaf groundsel
  73. scented groundsel
  74. scrambling groundsel
  75. shortfruit purple fireweed
  76. showy alpine groundsel
  77. shrubby fireweed
  78. subalpine fireweed
  79. swamp fireweed
  80. tasmanian fireweed
  81. toothed fireweed groundsel
  82. warty groundsel
  83. western coast groundsel
  84. western groundsel
  85. white alpine groundsel
  86. yellow alpine groundsel

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