A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Anictangium bulbosum Hedw. Anoectangium bulbosum ( Hedw.) Schwägr. Cyathophonum P.Beauv. exBrid. Cyathophorum P.Beauv. Cyathophorum bulbosum ( Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Cyathophorum bulbosum var. minus ( Wilson & Hook.f.) Paris Cyathophorum densirete Broth. Cyathophorum minus ( Wilson & Hook.f.) M.Fleisch. Cyathophorum pennatum ( Labill.) Brid. Cyathophorum pennatum f. minor Brizi Cyathophorum pennatum var. minus ( Wilson & Hook.f.) Wilson Cyathophorum pteridioides P.Beauv. Cyathophorum sect. Eu-Cyathophorum Broth. Cyatophorum densirete Broth. Hedwigia bulbosa ( Hedw.) Brid. Hookeria concinna ( Hook.) Hook. & Grev. Hookeria pennata ( Labill.) Sm. Hookeria pennata var. minor Wilson & Hook.f. Hookeria sect. Cyathophorum ( P.Beauv.) Arn. Hypnum pennatum ( Labill.) Poir. Hypnum tamarisci Sw. Hypopterygiaceae Mitt. Hypopterygium Brid. Hypopterygium concinnum ( Hook.) Brid. Hypopterygium discolor Mitt. Hypopterygium hyalinolimbata Müll.Hal. exBurges Hypopterygium hyalinolimbatum Müll.Hal. exKindb. Hypopterygium muelleri Hampe Hypopterygium pallens ( Hook.f. & Wilson) Reichardt Hypopterygium rigidulum subsp. balantii Müll.Hal. exKindb. Hypopterygium rigidulum var. balantii Kindb. exStreimann & Curn. Hypopterygium rotulatum Mont. exOkamura Hypopterygium rotulatum var. incurvum Brid. Hypopterygium scottiae Müll.Hal. Hypopterygium scottiae subsp. denticulatum Kindb. Hypopterygium sect. Euhypopterygium Müll.Hal. Hypopterygium sect. Euhypopterygium ( Kindb.) M.Fleisch. Hypopterygium sect. Lopidium ( Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. Hypopterygium sect. Pseudotamariscina Kindb. Hypopterygium sect. Tamariscina Kindb. Hypopterygium subg. Euhypopterygium Bosch & Sande Lac. Hypopterygium subg. Euhypopterygium Kindb. Hypopterygium subg. Lopidium ( Hook.f. & Wilson) Bosch & Sande Lac. Hypopterygium subsect. Pseudotamariscina ( Kindb.) M.Fleisch. Hypopterygium subsect. Tamariscina ( Kindb.) M.Fleisch. Hypopterygium tamarisci ( Sw.) Brid. exMüll.Hal. Hypopterygium tenellum Müll.Hal. Hypopterygium viridulum Mitt. Leskea concinna Hook. Leskea pennata Labill. Lophidium Rodway Lopidium Hook.f. & Wilson Lopidium concinnum ( Hook.) Wilson Lopidium hyalinolimbatum M.Fleisch. Lopidium pallens Hook.f. & Wilson Pterigophyllum pennatum ( Labill.) Brid. Pterobryon muelleri ( Hampe) Mitt.
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