Vascular Plants

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Spokes, T.M. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2007), Piper. Flora of Australia 2 : 233-239 (Section) Spokes, T.M. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Cubeba hederacea Miq.
  2. Giant Pepper Vine
  3. Long Pepper
  4. Piper L.
  5. Piper australasicum C.DC.
  6. Piper banksii Miq.
  7. Piper caninum Blume
  8. Piper fungiforme Spokes
  9. Piper harveyanum Domin
  10. Piper hederaceum (Miq.) C.DC.
  11. Piper hederaceum (Miq.) C.DC. var. hederaceum
  12. Piper hederaceum var. longiorispicum Spokes
  13. Piper holtzei Dunlop
  14. Piper huegelianum (Miq.) Miq.
  15. Piper interruptum Opiz
  16. Piper macropiper Pennant
  17. Piper mestonii F.M.Bailey
  18. Piper novae-hollandiae Miq.
  19. Piper novae-hollandiae var. (Windsor Tableland B.P.Hyland 5538)
  20. Piper paramattense C.DC.
  21. Piper rothianum F.M.Bailey
  22. Piper rothianum var. gracilescens Domin
  23. Piper sp. (Leo Creek B.P.Hyland 6367)
  24. Piper sp. aff. abbreviatum
  25. Piper sp. aff. caninum
  26. Piper subpeltatum Willd.
  27. Piper triandrum F.Muell.
  28. Piper umbellatum L.
  29. Piper umbellatum var. subpeltatum (Willd.) C.DC.
  30. Pothomorphe subpeltata (Wild) Miq.
  31. Queensland Long Pepper

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