Vascular Plants

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Jeanes, J.A. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Goodeniaceae. Flora of Victoria 4 : 589-615 (Section) Jeanes, J.A. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Bent Goodenia
  2. Black's Goodenia
  3. Blue Dampiera
  4. Branched Goodenia
  5. Coopernookia Carolin
  6. Coopernookia barbata (R.Br.) Carolin
  7. Creeping Fan-flower
  8. Cup Velleia
  9. Cut-leaf Goodenia
  10. Daisy Goodenia
  11. Dampiera R.Br.
  12. Dampiera brownii F.Muell.
  13. Dampiera dysantha (Benth.) Rajput & Carolin
  14. Dampiera fusca Rajput & Carolin
  15. Dampiera galbraithiana Rajput & Carolin
  16. Dampiera lanceolata A.Cunn. ex DC. var. lanceolata
  17. Dampiera marifolia Benth.
  18. Dampiera purpurea R.Br.
  19. Dampiera rosmarinifolia Schltdl.
  20. Dampiera rosmarinifolia var. dysantha Benth.
  21. Dampiera sp. (Kydra Peaks)
  22. Dampiera stricta (Sm.) R.Br.
  23. Dune Fan-flower
  24. Fairy Fan-flower
  25. Goodenia Sm.
  26. Goodenia albida Sm.
  27. Goodenia amplexans F.Muell.
  28. Goodenia amplexans var. parvifolia Benth.
  29. Goodenia barbata R.Br.
  30. Goodenia bellidifolia Sm. subsp. bellidifolia
  31. Goodenia benthamiana Carolin
  32. Goodenia blackiana Carolin
  33. Goodenia calendulacea Andrews
  34. Goodenia elongata Labill.
  35. Goodenia fascicularis F.Muell. & Tate
  36. Goodenia geniculata R.Br.
  37. Goodenia geniculata var. robusta Benth.
  38. Goodenia glauca F.Muell.
  39. Goodenia gracilis R.Br.
  40. Goodenia grandiflora var. macmillanii (F.Muell.) K.Krause
  41. Goodenia hederacea Sm.
  42. Goodenia hederacea subsp. alpestris (K.Krause) Carolin
  43. Goodenia hederacea Sm. subsp. hederacea
  44. Goodenia hederacea var. alpestris K.Krause
  45. Goodenia hederacea var. cordifolia Ewart
  46. Goodenia heteromera F.Muell.
  47. Goodenia heterophylla Sm. subsp. heterophylla
  48. Goodenia humilis R.Br.
  49. Goodenia lanata R.Br.
  50. Goodenia lineata J.H.Willis
  51. Goodenia lunata J.M.Black
  52. Goodenia macbarronii Carolin
  53. Goodenia macmillanii F.Muell.
  54. Goodenia ovata Sm.
  55. Goodenia paniculata Sm.
  56. Goodenia pinnatifida Schltdl.
  57. Goodenia pusilliflora F.Muell.
  58. Goodenia radicans (Cav.) Pers.
  59. Goodenia ramosissima Sm.
  60. Goodenia robusta (Benth.) K.Krause
  61. Goodenia stelligera R.Br.
  62. Goodenia stricta Sm.
  63. Goodenia subintegra F.Muell. ex J.M.Black
  64. Goodenia varia R.Br.
  65. Goodenia willisiana Carolin
  66. Goodeniaceae R.Br.
  67. Grampians Goodenia
  68. Grassland Velleia
  69. Grooved Dampiera
  70. Hairy Fan-flower
  71. Hop Goodenia
  72. Ivy Goodenia
  73. Kydra Dampiera
  74. Lanky Goodenia
  75. Licola Dampiera
  76. Merkusia hookeri de Vriese
  77. Mountain Dampiera
  78. Mountain Velleia
  79. Narrow Goodenia
  80. Pale Goodenia
  81. Pinnate Goodenia
  82. Prickly Fan-flower
  83. Purple Coopernookia
  84. Rosemary Dampiera
  85. Sandhill Goodenia
  86. Scaevola L.
  87. Scaevola aemula R.Br.
  88. Scaevola albida (Sm.) Druce
  89. Scaevola albida var. pallida (R.Br.) Carolin
  90. Scaevola calendulacea (Andrews) Druce
  91. Scaevola depauperata R.Br.
  92. Scaevola hookeri (de Vriese) F.Muell. ex Hook.f.
  93. Scaevola microcarpa var. pallida (R.Br.) Benth.
  94. Scaevola pallida R.Br.
  95. Scaevola ramosissima (Sm.) K.Krause
  96. Scaevola spinescens R.Br.
  97. Scaevola suaveolens R.Br.
  98. Selliera Cav.
  99. Selliera radicans Cav.
  100. Shiny Swamp-mat
  101. Shrubby Dampiera
  102. Silky Goodenia
  103. Skeleton Fan-flower
  104. Slender Goodenia
  105. Small-flower Goodenia
  106. Small-fruit Fan-flower
  107. Small-leaf Goodenia
  108. Spiked Goodenia
  109. Spreading Goodenia
  110. Spur Velleia
  111. Sticky Goodenia
  112. Stiff Goodenia
  113. Swamp Goodenia
  114. Trailing Goodenia
  115. Variable Goodenia
  116. Velleia Sm.
  117. Velleia arguta R.Br.
  118. Velleia connata F.Muell.
  119. Velleia montana Hook.f.
  120. Velleia paradoxa R.Br.
  121. Velvet Dampiera
  122. Woolly Goodenia

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