Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Koyama, T. (1956), Taxonomic Study of Cyperaceae V. Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 69 : 59-67 (Paper) Koyama, T. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Baumea Gaudich.
  2. Baumea glomerata Gaudich.
  3. Baumea hutonii T. Koyama
  4. Chaetospora capillacea Hook.f.
  5. Chapelliera Nees
  6. Chapelliera arthrophylla Nees
  7. Chapelliera laxa Nees
  8. Chapelliera schoenoides Nees
  9. Cladium P.Browne
  10. Cladium aromaticum Merr.
  11. Cladium arthrophyllum (Nees) F.Muell.
  12. Cladium arthrophyllum var. riparium (Nees) Kük.
  13. Cladium articulatum R.Br.
  14. Cladium elynanthoides F.Muell.
  15. Cladium gracile J.M.Black
  16. Cladium gunnii var. brevipaniculatum Kük.
  17. Cladium huttoni T.Koyama
  18. Cladium huttonii Kirk
  19. Cladium insulare Benth.
  20. Cladium junceum R.Br.
  21. Cladium latissimum F.Muell.
  22. Cladium laxum (Nees) Benth.
  23. Cladium muelleri C.B.Clarke
  24. Cladium procerum S.T.Blake
  25. Cladium riparium (Nees) Benth.
  26. Cladium schoenoides R.Br.
  27. Cladium sect. Baumea (Gaudich.) Benth.
  28. Cladium stradbrokense Domin
  29. Cladium subg. Baumea (Gaudich.) C.B.Clarke
  30. Cladium teretifolium R.Br.
  31. Cladium undulatum Thwaites
  32. Cladium vaginale Benth.
  33. Elynanthus australis Nees
  34. Elynanthus capillaceus Benth.
  35. Gahnia elynanthoides F.Muell.
  36. Gahnia vaginalis (Benth.) F.Muell.
  37. Lepidosperma tetragonum Labill.
  38. Machaerina Vahl
  39. Machaerina aromatica (Merr.) T.Koyama
  40. Machaerina arthrophylla (Nees) T.Koyama
  41. Machaerina articulata (R.Br.) T.Koyama
  42. Machaerina australis (A.Rich.) T.Koyama
  43. Machaerina brevipaniculata (Kük.) T.Koyama
  44. Machaerina capillacea T.Koyama
  45. Machaerina elynanthoides T.Koyama
  46. Machaerina glomerata (Gaudich.) T.Koyama
  47. Machaerina gracilis (J.M.Black) T.Koyama
  48. Machaerina huttoni T.Koyama
  49. Machaerina huttonii (Kük.) T.Koyama
  50. Machaerina insularis (Benth.) T.Koyama
  51. Machaerina juncea (R.Br.) T.Koyama
  52. Machaerina latissima (F.Muell.) T.Koyama
  53. Machaerina laxa (Nees) T.Koyama
  54. Machaerina monocarpa (J.M.Black) T.Koyama
  55. Machaerina muelleri (C.B.Clarke) T.Koyama
  56. Machaerina procera (S.T.Blake) T.Koyama
  57. Machaerina punctata (R.Br.) T.Koyama
  58. Machaerina riparia T.Koyama
  59. Machaerina rubiginosa T.Koyama
  60. Machaerina schoenoides T.Koyama
  61. Machaerina sect. Baumea (Gaudich.) T.Koyama
  62. Machaerina Vahl sect. Machaerina
  63. Machaerina stradbrokensis (Domin) T.Koyama
  64. Machaerina teretifolia (R.Br.) T.Koyama
  65. Machaerina tetragona T.Koyama
  66. Machaerina undulata (Thwaites) T.Koyama
  67. Machaerina vaginalis (Benth.) T.Koyama
  68. Schoenus monocarpus J.M.Black
  69. Schoenus nudus Steud.
  70. Schoenus punctatus R.Br.
  71. Schoenus rubiginosus G.Forst.
  72. Trachystylis stradbrokensis (Domin) Kük.
  73. Vauthiera australis A.Rich.

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