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- Author for:
- 104 names
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- 27 names
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- 1 names 37 References:
Willis, J.H. (15 July 1967) ,Tristania lactiflua or T. lactiflora?. Muelleria 1(3) Willis, J.H. (1962-1973) ,A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Willis, J.H. (1939) ,The occurrence of Astelia nervosa in Victoria. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew 1939(4) Willis, J.H. (1940) ,A Western variety of Pultenaea muelleri. The Victorian Naturalist 57(5) Willis, J.H. (1942) ,The correct name of our alpine Podolepis. The Victorian Naturalist 59 Willis, J.H. (1942) ,Notes on Victorian Rhamnaceae - Part 1. The Victorian Naturalist 58 Willis, J.H. (1942) ,The Tree-Everlasting (Helichrysum ferrugineum, Less.). The Victorian Naturalist 58(10) Willis, J.H. (1945) ,More botanical "bulls". The Victorian Naturalist 61 Willis, J.H. (1945) ,A new alpine variety if the "mallee everlasting" (Helichrysum adenophorum). The Victorian Naturalist 61 Willis, J.H. (1947) ,A new name for the Australian cotton plant (or "Sturt's Desert Rose"). The Victorian Naturalist 64 Willis, J.H. (1950) ,The chequered story of two Tasmanian mosses. The Victorian Naturalist 67 Willis, J.H. (1952) ,Notes on some Australian Compositae. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 62 Willis, J.H. (28 February 1953) ,Land flora. The Archipelago of the Recherche 3a Willis, J.H. (15 August 1953) ,A new orchid species from Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 87 Willis, J.H. (1954) ,Notes on another mountain Podolepis. The Victorian Naturalist 70 Willis, J.H. (1954) ,Two new Victorian species of alpine Compositae. The Victorian Naturalist 70 Willis, J.H. (1955) ,The Australian Anchor plant (Discaria pubescens). The Victorian Naturalist 72 Willis, J.H. (1956) ,A Bibliography of the Australian Baobab (Adansonia gregorii F.Muell. in Hook.). Muelleria 1(1) Willis, J.H. (1956) ,Sundry notes on Australian stylidia. The Victorian Naturalist 73 Willis, J.H. (1956) ,Two puzzling alpine heaths. The Victorian Naturalist 73 Willis, J.H. (1956) ,Systematic notes on Victorian Compositae 1. Muelleria 1(1) Willis, J.H. (1957) ,Vascular flora of Victoria and South Australia (sundry new species, varieties, combinations, records and synonymies) continued. The Victorian Naturalist 73(11) Willis, J.H. (1957) ,Additions to the Victorian sedge flora (Cyperaceae). The Victorian Naturalist 73 Willis, J.H. (1957) ,Vascular flora of Victoria and South Australia (sundry new species, varieties, combinations, records and synonymies). The Victorian Naturalist 73 Willis, J.H. (1957) ,The Victorian Naturalist 73 Willis, J.H. (1958) ,A distinctive West Australian Phebalium (Rutaceae). The Victorian Naturalist 74 Willis, J.H. (1959) ,The Genus Telopea. Australian Plants 1(1) Willis, J.H. (1959) ,Orthography of certain specific epithets. Muelleria 1(2) Willis, J.H. (1962) ,A Handbook to Plants in Victoria 1 Willis, J.H. (1965) ,Historical notes on the W.A. Pitcher Plant, Cephalotus follicularis, including the provenance of type material. Western Australian Naturalist 10(1) Willis, J.H. (15 July 1967) ,Systematic notes on the indigenous Australian flora. Muelleria 1(3) Willis, J.H. (15 July 1967) ,Typification of eight Victorian species names in Eucalyptus. Muelleria 1(3) Willis, J.H. (1967) ,Notes on two species of Western Australian Compositae. Western Australian Naturalist 10(7) Willis, J.H. (1970) ,A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 1 Willis, J.H. (1973) ,A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2 Willis, J.H. (8 July 1975) ,Four new species of plants in the Macdonnell and George Gill Ranges, Central Australia. Muelleria 3(2) Willis, J.H. (1977) ,A new combination in Portulacaceae. The Victorian Naturalist 94
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