Vascular Plants

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D.Nicolle Name author Nicolle, D. Reference author
Author for:
142 names
Base author for:
1 names
22 References:
  1. Nicolle, D. (2013), Native eucalypts of South Australia
  2. Nicolle, D. (April 2015), Classification of the Eucalypts (Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus) Edn. Web Version 2
  3. Nicolle, D. (19 February 2024), Transfer of residual species and subspecies from Angophora and Corymbia to Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae). Swainsona 38
  4. Nicolle, D. (20 December 2022), Native Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania, South-eastern Australia
  5. Nicolle, D. (2015-), Classification of the Eucalypts (Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus)
  6. Nicolle, D. (1997), Eucalypts of South Australia
  7. Nicolle, D. (8 May 1995), A new series, Incognitae, of Eucalyptus L'Her., including a new species endemic to Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 16
  8. Nicolle, D. (1997), Eucalypts of South Australia
  9. Nicolle, D. (10 October 1997), A taxonomic revision of the Eucalyptus striaticalyx group (Eucalyptus series Rufispermae: Myrtaceae). Nuytsia 11(3)
  10. Nicolle, D. (1 August 2000), Three new taxa of Eucalyptus subgenus Eudesmia (Myrtaceae) from Queensland and Western Australia. Nuytsia 13(2)
  11. Nicolle, D. (1 August 2000), A review of the Eucalyptus calycogona group (Myrtaceae) including the description of three new taxa from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13(2)
  12. Nicolle, D. (24 August 2000), New taxa of Eucalyptus informal subgenus Symphyomyrtus (Myrtaceae), endemic to South Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 19
  13. Nicolle, D. (8 January 2001), Notes on Eucalyptus series Orbifoliae (Myrtaceae) including a new species from central Australia. Nuytsia 13(3)
  14. Nicolle, D. (6 December 2002), Two new species of silver mallet (Eucalyptus - Myrtaceae) of very restricted distribution in south-western Western Australia. Nuytsia 15(1)
  15. Nicolle, D. (6 December 2002), A revision of Eucalyptus series Calcicolae (Myrtaceae) from the south coast of Western Australia. Nuytsia 15(1)
  16. Nicolle, D. (20 December 2005), A taxonomic revision and morphological variation within Eucalyptus series Subulatae subseries Decussatae and Decurrentes (Myrtaceae) of Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 18(6)
  17. Nicolle, D. (16 December 2005), A rare and endangered new subspecies of Eucalyptus sargentii (Myrtaceae) with high potential for revegetation of saline sites from south-western Australia and notes on E. diminuta and E. sargentii subsp. fallens. Nuytsia 15(3)
  18. Nicolle, D. (2006), Personal Communication
  19. Nicolle, D. (2006), Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania
  20. Nicolle, D. (2 June 2009), Four new obligate seeder taxa of Eucalyptus series Rufispermae (Myrtaceae) from the transitional rainfall zone of south-western Australia. Nuytsia 19(1)
  21. Nicolle, D. (2013), Native eucalypts of South Australia
  22. Nicolle, D. (27 November 2014), The scantily collected Corymbia punkapitiensis (Myrtaceae) is not distinct from the widespread arid-zone species C. aparrerinja. Nuytsia 24

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