Vascular Plants

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Croxall, J.P. (1975), The Hymenophyllaceae of Queensland. Australian Journal of Botany 23(3) : 509-547 (Paper) Croxall, J.P. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Cephalomanes C.Presl
  2. Cephalomanes atrovirens C.Presl
  3. Craspedoneuron pallidum (Blume) Bosch
  4. Craspedophyllum marginatum (Hook. & Grev.) Copel.
  5. Crepidomanes (C.Presl) C.Presl
  6. Crepidomanes australiensis (Domin) N.A.Wakef.
  7. Crepidomanes barnardianum (F.M.Bailey) Tindale
  8. Crepidomanes barnardianum (F.M.Bailey) Tindale subsp. barnardianum
  9. Crepidomanes bipunctatum (Poir.) Copel.
  10. Crepidomanes bipunctatum var. venulosum (Rosenst.) Croxall
  11. Crepidomanes kurzii (Bedd.) Croxall
  12. Crepidomanes majoriae (Watts) N.A.Wakef.
  13. Crepidomanes venulosum (Rosenst.) Copel.
  14. Crepidomanes walleri (Watts) Tindale
  15. Crepidopteris endlicheriana (C.Presl) Copel.
  16. Crepidopteris humilis (G.Forst.) Copel.
  17. Crepidopteris wildii (F.M.Bailey) N.A.Wakef.
  18. Didymoglossum Desv.
  19. Didymoglossum exiguum (Bedd.) Copel.
  20. Didymoglossum subg. Chilodium C.Presl
  21. Gonocormus Bosch
  22. Gonocormus prolifer (Blume) Prantl
  23. Gonocormus saxifragoides (C.Presl) Bosch
  24. Hemicyatheon baileyanum (Domin) Copel.
  25. Hymenophyllum antarcticum C.Presl
  26. Hymenophyllum australe Willd.
  27. Hymenophyllum babindae Watts
  28. Hymenophyllum baileyanum Domin
  29. Hymenophyllum bivalve (G.Forst.) Sw.
  30. Hymenophyllum ciliatum Sw.
  31. Hymenophyllum crispum Nees & Blume
  32. Hymenophyllum cupressiforme Labill.
  33. Hymenophyllum eboracense Croxall
  34. Hymenophyllum exiguum Bedd.
  35. Hymenophyllum filicula Bory ex Willd.
  36. Hymenophyllum flabellatum Labill.
  37. Hymenophyllum gracilescens Domin
  38. Hymenophyllum javanicum Spreng.
  39. Hymenophyllum kerianum Watts
  40. Hymenophyllum lobbii T.Moore ex Bosch
  41. Hymenophyllum marginatum Hook. & Grev.
  42. Hymenophyllum meyeri C.Presl
  43. Hymenophyllum nitens R.Br.
  44. Hymenophyllum peltatum (Poir.) Desv.
  45. Hymenophyllum polyanthon var. contiguum Croxall
  46. Hymenophyllum polyanthos (Sw.) Sw.
  47. Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. contiguum (D.A.Sm.) Croxall
  48. Hymenophyllum praetervisum var. australiense Domin
  49. Hymenophyllum pseudotunbridgense Watts
  50. Hymenophyllum samoense Baker
  51. Hymenophyllum Sm. sect. Hymenophyllum
  52. Hymenophyllum sect. Mecodium (Copel.) C.V.Morton
  53. Hymenophyllum sect. Ptychophyllum (C.Presl) C.Chr.
  54. Hymenophyllum shirleyanum Domin
  55. Hymenophyllum subdimidiatum Rosenst.
  56. Hymenophyllum subg. Chilodium (C.Presl) Croxall
  57. Hymenophyllum subg. Craspedophyllum (C.Presl) Copel.
  58. Hymenophyllum subg. Hemicyatheron Domin
  59. Hymenophyllum Sm. subg. Hymenophyllum
  60. Hymenophyllum subg. Mecodium Copel.
  61. Hymenophyllum subg. Meringium (C.Presl) Copel.
  62. Hymenophyllum subsect. Mecodium (Copel.) C.V.Morton
  63. Hymenophyllum trichomanoides F.M.Bailey
  64. Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Sm.
  65. Hymenophyllum tunbrigense var. exsertum F.M.Bailey
  66. Hymenophyllum unilaterale Willd.
  67. Hymenophyllum walleri Maiden & Betche
  68. Hymenophyllum walleri var. orbiculatum Watts
  69. Hymenophyllum whitei Goy
  70. Macroglena (C.Presl) Copel.
  71. Macroglena brassii Croxall
  72. Macroglena caudata (Brack.) Copel.
  73. Mecodium C.Presl ex Copel.
  74. Mecodium australe (Willd.) Copel.
  75. Mecodium contiguum D.A.Sm.
  76. Mecodium flabellatum (Labill.) Copel.
  77. Mecodium javanicum (Spreng.) Copel.
  78. Mecodium samoense (Baker) Copel.
  79. Mecodium walleri (Maiden & Betche) Copel.
  80. Mecodium whitei (Goy) N.A.Wakef.
  81. Meringium C.Presl
  82. Meringium bivalve (G.Forst.) Copel.
  83. Meringium kerianum (Watts) Copel.
  84. Meringium lobbii (T.Moore ex Bosch) Copel.
  85. Microgonium C.Presl
  86. Microgonium bimarginatum Bosch
  87. Microgonium cultratum (Baker) Copel.
  88. Microgonium mindorense (Christ) Copel.
  89. Microgonium motleyi Bosch
  90. Microgonium omphalodes Vieill. ex E.Fourn.
  91. Microgonium tahitense (Nadeaud) Tindale
  92. Microtrichomanes (Mett. ex Prantl) Copel.
  93. Microtrichomanes digitatum (Sw.) Copel.
  94. Microtrichomanes vitiense (Baker) Copel.
  95. Pleuromanes (C.Presl) C.Presl
  96. Pleuromanes pallidum (Blume) C.Presl
  97. Polyphlebium Copel.
  98. Polyphlebium venosum (R.Br.) Copel.
  99. Reediella Pic.Serm.
  100. Reediella australiensis (Domin) Pic.Serm.
  101. Reediella endlicheriana (C.Presl) Pic.Serm.
  102. Reediella humilis (G.Forst.) Pic.Serm.
  103. Reediella werneri (Rosenst.) Pic.Serm.
  104. Reediella wildii (F.M.Bailey) Pic.Serm.
  105. Selenodesmium (Prantl) Copel.
  106. Selenodesmium elongatum (A.Cunn.) Copel.
  107. Selenodesmium obscurum (Blume) Copel.
  108. Trichomanes L.
  109. Trichomanes aphlebioides Christ
  110. Trichomanes apiifolium C.Presl
  111. Trichomanes atrovirens (C.Presl) Kunze
  112. Trichomanes baileyanum Watts
  113. Trichomanes barnardianum F.M.Bailey
  114. Trichomanes bimarginatum (Bosch) Bosch
  115. Trichomanes bipunctatum Poir.
  116. Trichomanes bipunctatum var. venulosum Rosenst.
  117. Trichomanes bivalve G.Forst.
  118. Trichomanes caudatum Brack.
  119. Trichomanes cultratum Baker
  120. Trichomanes cupressoides Desv.
  121. Trichomanes cuspidatum Willd.
  122. Trichomanes digitatum Sw.
  123. Trichomanes endlicherianum C.Presl
  124. Trichomanes exiguum (Bedd.) Baker
  125. Trichomanes filicula (Bory ex Willd.) Bory
  126. Trichomanes humile G.Forst.
  127. Trichomanes johnstonense F.M.Bailey
  128. Trichomanes kurzii Bedd.
  129. Trichomanes majoriae Watts
  130. Trichomanes maximum Blume
  131. Trichomanes mindorense Christ
  132. Trichomanes minutum Blume
  133. Trichomanes motleyi Bosch
  134. Trichomanes muscoides Sw.
  135. Trichomanes nanum Bosch
  136. Trichomanes nanum var. australiense Domin
  137. Trichomanes obscurum Blume
  138. Trichomanes omphalodes (Vieill. ex E.Fourn.) C.Chr.
  139. Trichomanes pallidum Blume
  140. Trichomanes paradoxum Domin
  141. Trichomanes parvulum Poir.
  142. Trichomanes peltatum Baker
  143. Trichomanes peltatum Poir.
  144. Trichomanes proliferum Blume
  145. Trichomanes pyxidiferum L.
  146. Trichomanes saxifragoides C.Presl
  147. Trichomanes sayeri F.Muell. & Baker
  148. Trichomanes sect. Didymoglossum (Desv.) Wess.Boer
  149. Trichomanes sect. Microtrichomanes (Mett. ex Prantl) C.Chr.
  150. Trichomanes L. sect. Trichomanes
  151. Trichomanes serratulum Baker
  152. Trichomanes subg. Didymoglossum (Desv.) C.Chr.
  153. Trichomanes subg. Macroglena C.Presl
  154. Trichomanes tahitense Nadeaud
  155. Trichomanes venosum R.Br.
  156. Trichomanes venulosum (Rosenst.) Copel.
  157. Trichomanes vitiense Baker
  158. Trichomanes walleri Watts
  159. Trichomanes wildii F.M.Bailey
  160. Trichomanes yandinense F.M.Bailey
  161. Vandenboschia aphlebioides (Christ) Copel.
  162. Vandenboschia johnstonensis (F.M.Bailey) Copel.

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