Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Backhouse, G.N. & Jeanes, J.A. (1995), The Orchids of Victoria : null - null (Book) Backhouse, G.N. & Jeanes, J.A. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Caladenia concinna (Rupp) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  2. Caladenia lyallii Hook.f.
  3. Caleana sp. aff. nigrita
  4. Calochilus gracillimus Rupp
  5. Calochilus herbaceous G.N.Backh. & Jeanes
  6. Chiloglottis sp. aff. valida
  7. Chiloglottis sylvestris D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  8. Corybas sp. aff. dilatatus
  9. Diuris brevissima Fitzg. ex Nicholls
  10. Diuris corymbosa Lindl.
  11. Diuris lanceolata Lindl.
  12. Diuris sp. aff. lanceolata
  13. Genoplesium sp. aff. nudiscapum
  14. Genoplesium sp. aff. nudiscapum (Otway Ranges)
  15. Genoplesium sp. aff. rufum
  16. Prasophyllum campestre R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones
  17. Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii R.S.Rogers & Maiden
  18. Prasophyllum rogersii Rupp
  19. Pterostylis dubia R.Br.
  20. Pterostylis longifolia R.Br.
  21. Pterostylis longipetala Rupp
  22. Pterostylis revoluta R.Br.
  23. Pterostylis sp. aff. aphylla
  24. Pterostylis sp. aff. boormanii
  25. Pterostylis sp. aff. excelsa
  26. Pterostylis sp. aff. excelsa (Basalt Plains)
  27. Pterostylis sp. aff. parviflora
  28. Pterostylis sp. aff. rufa
  29. Thelymitra decora Cheeseman
  30. Thelymitra nuda R.Br.
  31. Thelymitra pauciflora R.Br.
  32. Thelymitra pulchella Hook.f.
  33. Thelymitra sp. aff. nuda
  34. Thelymitra sp. aff. pulchella

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