Subgenus Todiramphus (Todiramphus) Lesson, 1827


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Islands of west Pacific, east to New Zealand, Society Ils, Tuamotu and Marquesas, north to Micronesia and Ryukyus, and west through Lesser and Greater Sundas to Philippines and S Asia as far as the Red Sea.


ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), King (KIN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater, Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater, Territory of Ashmore & Cartier Islands

Distribution References

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Feb-2011 MODIFIED

Species Todiramphus (Todiramphus) chloris (Boddaert, 1783)

CAVS: 0327

Collared Kingfisher

Taxonomic Decision for Subspecies Arrangement




New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NSW, NT, Qld, WA: Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Gascoyne (GAS), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Murchison (MUR), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

Details of nominate subspecies, not present in Australia

Alcedo chloris Boddaert, P. 1783. Table des Planches Enluminéez d'Histoire Naturelle, de M. d'Aubenton. Avec les denominations de M.M. de Buffon, Brisson, Edwards, Linnaeus et Latham, precédé d'une Notice des Principaux Ouvrages Zoologiques enluminées. Utrecht : Boddaert xv 58 + 9 pp. [published Dec. 1783 International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature 1985. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Third edition adopted by the XX General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences. London : International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature xx 338 pp. [Art. 3]] [49] [published without description but available under ICZN Art. 12(b)(1), being based by reference on the Martin-pêcheur à tête verte du Cap de Bonne-Espérance on pl. 783 (Fig. 2) of Daubenton, E.L. 1781. Planches Enluminées d'Histoire Naturelle. In Buffon, G.L. (1770–1786). Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Paris : l'Imprimerie Royale Vols I–X. [published between as 1765-1781 Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.] (Vol. VIII, p. 66); original material possibly ex W.G. Graaf Bentinck collection, see Stresemann, E. 1952. On the birds collected by Pierre Poivre in Canton, Manila, India and Madagascar (1751–1756). Ibis 94: 499–523 [Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp. Zimmer, J.T. 1926. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library. Field Museum of Natural History Publications, Zoological Series 16: 1–364 (Pt 1, Publ. 239), 365–706 (Pt 2, Publ. 240) Mathews, G.M. 1919. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 7 pt 5 pp. 385–499 + xii pls 363–370 Appendixes A & B [publication dated as from preface, 12 June 1919 given in Appendix B]]].

Type data: holotype (probable) MNHP (ex W.G. Graaf Bentinck coll. per Réaumur Museum?, destroyed?, figured on pl. 783 in Daubenton, E.L. 1781. Planches Enluminées d'Histoire Naturelle. In Buffon, G.L. (1770–1786). Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Paris : l'Imprimerie Royale Vols I–X. [published between as 1765-1781 Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.].
Type locality: Buru, Moluccas (as Cap de Bon Espérance (=Cape of Good Hope), Africa), see Buffon, G.L. 1786. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Paris : l'Imprimerie Royale Vol. I–X [published between 1770–1786] (Vol. VIII, p. 67); Hartert, E. 1904. The birds of the South-West Islands Wetter, Roma, Kisser, Letti and Moa. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 174–221 [Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.].


General References

Condon, H.T. 1975. Checklist of the Birds of Australia. Part 1 Non-Passerines. Melbourne : Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union xx 311 pp. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Ford, J. 1983. Taxonomic notes on some mangrove-inhabiting birds in Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 10: 381-451 (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Fry, C.H. 1980. The evolutionary biology of kingfishers (Alcedinidae). Living Bird 18: 113-160 (subspecific arrangement and specific limits)

Keast, A. 1957. Variation in the Australian kingfishers (Aves: Alcedinidae). Records of the Australian Museum 24: 61-72 (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement also most subsequent revisions)

Mathews, G.M. 1927. Systema Avium Australasianarum. A systematic list of the birds of the Australasian region. London : British Ornithologists' Union Pt 1 iv 426 pp. (subspecific arrangement)

Mayr, E. 1949. Artbildung und Variation in der Halcyon-chloris-Gruppe. pp. 55–60 in, Ornithologie als biologische Wissenschaft (Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Erwin Stresemann). Heidelberg : Carl Winter. (subspecific arrangement and specific limits)

Oberholser, H.C. 1919. A revision of the subspecies of the White-collared Kingfisher, Sauropatis chloris (Boddaert). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 55: 351-395 (subspecific arrangement)

Sharpe, R.B. 1892. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Picariae. Coraciae (contin.) and Halcyones. London : British Museum Vol. 17 xi 522 pp. XVII pls. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Wolters, H.E. 1976. Die Vogelarten der Erde. Eine systematische Liste mit Verbreitungsangaben sowie deutschen und englischen Namen. Hamburg : Paul Parey pp. Lief. 2, 81-160. (subspecific arrangement and specific limits)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Feb-2011 MODIFIED

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) chloris colcloughi (Mathews, 1916)

CAVS: 8975




New South Wales, Queensland

Extra Distribution Information

Central coast of E Australia, north to region of Halifax Bay, QLD, south to mouths of Richmond and Clarence Rivers, NSW—also Fraser and Stradbroke Ils.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NSW, Qld: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, diurnal, estuary, littoral, mangrove, piscivore, sedentary, territorial, volant.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, in littoral edges of lower estuarine and seaward mangroves, solitary or in dispersed pairs, feeds in pouncing sallies from vantage perches, nests in hollows and arboreal termitaria, both sexes share nidificational duties.


General References

Bell, H.L. 1960. Nesting notes of the Mangrove Kingfisher. The Emu 60: 64-65 (density, nidification)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) chloris palmeri (Oberholser, 1919)

CAVS: 8978



Extra Distribution Information

Sight records of itinerant individuals by Pearson (1966) and Stokes et al. 1987 may be of any of the following regional subspecies in the central and west Indonesian archipelagoes: T. c. azela (Oberholser, 1919) from Enggano Is., T. c. palmeri (Oberholser, 1919) from Java and Bali, or T. c. laubmanniana (Grote, 1933) from southeastern Sumatra, see Peters, J.L. 1945. Check-list of Birds of the World. Cambridge : Harvard University Press Vol. 5 xi 306 pp..

Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater

Distribution References

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
10-Nov-2020 AVES 26-Oct-2022 MODIFIED
15-Feb-2011 MODIFIED

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) chloris pilbara (Johnstone, 1983)

CAVS: 8977




Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Coast of Pilbara, between Balla Balla near Cape Cossigney and North West Cape (Point Cloates).

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


WA: Carnarvon (CAR), Gascoyne (GAS), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Murchison (MUR), Pilbara (PIL), Yalgoo (YAL)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, diurnal, estuary, littoral, mangrove, piscivore, sedentary, territorial, volant.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, in estuarine and seaward edges of taller coastal mangroves, solitary or in dispersed pairs, feeds in pouncing sallies from vantage perches.


General References

Johnstone, R.E. 1983. A review of the Mangrove Kingfisher, Halcyon chloris (Boddaert) in Australia, with a description of a new subspecies from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 11: 25-31 (ecology, habitat)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) chloris sordidus (Gould, 1842)

CAVS: 8976


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Patchy along coast of N Australia, west to Kimberley Division (Broome), east to E coast of Cape York Peninsula south to region of Halifax Bay, but scarce to absent around Gulf of Carpentaria—also main offshore islands including Melville-Bathurst, Groote Eylandt, Mornington, and islands in Torres Strait.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NT, Qld, WA: Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Arnhem (CA), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, diurnal, estuary, littoral, mangrove, piscivore, sedentary, territorial, volant.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, sedentary in littoral edges of tall, seaward mangroves, solitary or in dispersed pairs, feeds in pouncing sallies from vantage perches, nests in hollows and arboreal termitaria, both sexes share nidificational duties.


General References

Keast, A. 1957. Variation in the Australian kingfishers (Aves: Alcedinidae). Records of the Australian Museum 24: 61-72 (distribution, movements)

Mayr, E. 1949. Artbildung und Variation in der Halcyon-chloris-Gruppe. pp. 55–60 in, Ornithologie als biologische Wissenschaft (Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Erwin Stresemann). Heidelberg : Carl Winter. (geographic variation)

Miller, R.S. 1937. The Mangrove Kingfisher. The Emu 36: 149-152 pl. 22 (distribution, movements, habitat, hunting, nidification)

Thompson, H.A.F. 1984. The status of kingfishers and their allies (Coraciiformes) in the Darwin area, N.T., 1974 to 1982. Northern Territory Naturalist 7: 18-29 (distribution, habitat, status)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Todiramphus (Todiramphus) sanctus (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827)

CAVS: 0326

Sacred Kingfisher

Taxonomic Decision for Subspecies Arrangement




Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), King (KIN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater, Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater, Territory of Ashmore & Cartier Islands

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

General References

Condon, H.T. 1975. Checklist of the Birds of Australia. Part 1 Non-Passerines. Melbourne : Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union xx 311 pp. (subspecific arrangement)

Fry, C.H. 1980. The evolutionary biology of kingfishers (Alcedinidae). Living Bird 18: 113-160 (subspecific arrangement and specific limits)

Hartert, E. 1930. III. List of the birds collected by Ernst Mayr. Novitates Zoologicae 36: 27-128 (subspecific arrangement)

Hindwood, K.A. 1940. The birds of Lord Howe Island. The Emu 40: 1-86 pl. 1 (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement also subsequent revisions)

Mayr, E. 1944. Timor and the colonization of Australia by birds. The Emu 44: 113-130 (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Peters, J.L. 1945. Check-list of Birds of the World. Cambridge : Harvard University Press Vol. 5 xi 306 pp. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)

Sharpe, R.B. 1892. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Picariae. Coraciae (contin.) and Halcyones. London : British Museum Vol. 17 xi 522 pp. XVII pls. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Oct-2015 MODIFIED

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) sanctus norfolkiensis (Tristram, 1885)

CAVS: 8981



Extra Distribution Information

Presently restricted to main island.

Other Regions

Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, closed forest, diurnal, littoral, piscivore, sedentary, territorial, volant, woodland.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, feeds from forest edge to clearings and sea-shore in pouncing sallies from vantage perches, nests in hollows.


General References

Bassett-Hull, A.F. 1910. The Birds of Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 34: 636-693 (nidification)

Mathews, G.M. 1928. The Birds of Norfolk & Lord Howe Islands and the Australasian South Polar Quadrant with Additions to "The Birds of Australia". London : H.F. & G. Witherby xii 139 pp. pls 1-45. (morphology)

Schodde, R., Fullagar, P. & Hermes, N. 1983. A Review of Norfolk Island Birds: Past and Present. Canberra : Aust. Natl Parks Wldlf. Serv. Spec. Publ. 8 viii (un-numbered) 119 pp. (status, ecology)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Feb-2011 MODIFIED

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) sanctus sanctus (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827)

CAVS: 8979


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

All Australia and main offshore islands except rainforests and central and western deserts, shrub steppe and grass plain—accidental trans-Bass Strait visitor to TAS and King Is., frequent passage migrant on Ashmore Reef, and rare transient migrant on Christmas Is., Indian Ocean.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), King (KIN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Christmas Island terrestrial & freshwater, Territory of Ashmore & Cartier Islands

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, diurnal, mangrove, migratory, open forest, piscivore, territorial, volant, woodland.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, anuriphagous, lacertiphagous, solitary or in dispersed pairs, feeds in pouncing sallies from mid-height arboreal perches, nests in hollows, both sexes share nidificational duties, breeding summer migrant south of c. 20ºS, present year round in north, fanning out to winter from Torres Strait islands, New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago to Solomons in east and through Lesser and Greater Sundas to Sumatra in west.


General References

Bell, H.L. 1981. Information on New Guinean Kingfishers, Alcedinidae. Ibis 123: 51-61 (extra-Australian wintering status)

Disney, H.J. de S. 1973. Bird in the Hand. Sacred Kingfisher Halcyon sancta. Australian Bird Bander 11: 58-60 (sexual dimorphism, age classes)

Hartert, E. 1930. III. List of the birds collected by Ernst Mayr. Novitates Zoologicae 36: 27-128 [99] (nomenclature)

Keast, A. 1957. Variation in the Australian kingfishers (Aves: Alcedinidae). Records of the Australian Museum 24: 61-72 (taxonomy distribution)

Lea, A.M. & Gray, J.T. 1935. The food of Australian birds. An analysis of the stomach contents. Part II. The Emu 35: 63-98 (diet)

Lord, E.A.R. 1953. Nesting notes on four species. The Emu 53: 254-258 (nidification)

White, C.M.N. & Bruce, M.D. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, the Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). An annotated check-list. B.O.U. Check-list No. 7. London : British Ornithologists' Union 524 pp. (extra-Australian wintering status)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Feb-2011 MODIFIED

Subspecies Todiramphus (Todiramphus) sanctus vagans (Lesson, 1828)

CAVS: 8980


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy



Extra Distribution Information

New Zealand and adjacent islands.

Other Regions

Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, arthropod-feeder, closed forest, diurnal, littoral, piscivore, sedentary, territorial, volant, woodland.

Extra Ecological Information

Randomly dispersed, seasonal breeder, lacertiphagous, solitary or in dispersed pairs, feeds from forest edge to coral reef in pouncing sallies from vantage perches, nests in hollows, both sexes share nidificational duties, apparently self-introduced from New Zealand in mid 1800s.


General References

Fullagar, P.J., McKean, J.L. & Van Tets, G.F. 1975. Report on the Birds, appendix F. pp. 55-72 in Recher, H.F. & Clark, S.S. (eds). Environmental Survey of Lord Howe Island A report to the Lord Howe Island Board. Sydney : Australian Museum viii 86 pp. (status, ecology)

Hindwood, K.A. 1940. The birds of Lord Howe Island. The Emu 40: 1-86 pl. 1 (status, biology of island population)

Mathews, G.M. 1928. The Birds of Norfolk & Lord Howe Islands and the Australasian South Polar Quadrant with Additions to "The Birds of Australia". London : H.F. & G. Witherby xii 139 pp. pls 1-45. (morphology)

Oliver, W.R.B. 1955. New Zealand Birds. Wellington : A.H. & A.W. Reed 661 pp. 12 pls. (general biology)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
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