Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

Bibliography Export for Persicoptera compsopa (Meyrick, 1887)

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Bibliography Export Format

The current format for exports from the AFD is a CSV (comma separated values) file, which can be used in Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheets, as well as easily imported into relational databases like Oracle or MS SQL Server.

Format Definition

Field name Description
PUB_AUTHOR The author of the publication.
PUB_YEAR The year of the publication.
PUB_TITLE The title of the publication.
PUB_PAGES The pages referenced.
PUB_PARENT_BOOK_TITLE The title of the book in which the chapter occurs, if applicable.
PUB_PARENT_JOURNAL_TITLE The title of the journal in which the article occurs, if applicable.
PUB_PARENT_ARTICLE_TITLE The title of the article in which the section occurs, if applicable.
PUB_PUBLICATION_DATE The publication date.
PUB_PUBLISHER The publisher.
PUB_FORMATTED The formatted version of this publication.
PUB_QUALIFICATION Qualification and comments about this publication.
PUB_TYPE Type of publication reference:
A book
Chapter in a Book
A chapter within a book
Article in Journal
An article within a journal
Section in an Article
A section within a article in a journal
A website URL
This Work
A volume of the AFD
A miscellaneous publication
PUBLICATION_GUID The GUID for this publication record.
PUBLICATION_LAST_UPDATE The timestamp of the last update to this publication.
PARENT_PUBLICATION_GUID The GUID for the publication containing this publication (if any).

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