Genus Ophiomusa Hertz, 1927




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia


Timor Transition (1), Tasmania Province (10), Southeast Transition (11), Central Eastern Province (12), Tasman Basin Province (13), Lord Howe Province (14), Central Eastern Transition (15), Northeast Province (18), Northeast Transition (19), Timor Province (2), Cape Province (20), Norfolk Island Province (21), Northwest Shelf Transition (26), Northwest Transition (3), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5), Central Western Province (6), Southwest Transition (7), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

General References

O'Hara, T. D., Stöhr, S., Hugall, A. F., Thuy, B. & Martynov, A. 2018. Morphological diagnoses of higher taxa in Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) in support of a new classification. European Journal of Taxonomy 416 (Ophiomusa, reinstated by (O'Hara et al. 2018))


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 ADDED Nish Nizar (NMV)

Species Ophiomusa anisacantha (H.L. Clark, 1928)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

South Pacific


Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Central Western Province (6), Southwest Transition (7), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, marine.


General References

Baker, A.N. 1979. Some Ophiuroidea from the Tasman Sea and adjacent waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 21-51, figs 1-8 [31] (as Ophiomusium anisacanthum)

Baker, A.N. & Devaney, D.M. 1981. New records of Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from southern Australia, including new species of Ophiacantha and Ophionereis. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105(4): 155-178, figs 1-98 [158, fig. 22-24] (as Ophiomusium anisacanthum)

Clark, H.L. 1946. The echinoderm fauna of Australia. Its composition and its origin. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 566: 1-567 [274] (as Ophiomusium anisacanthum)

O'Hara, T.D. 1990. New records of Ophiuridae, Ophiacanthidae and Ophiocomidae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from south-eastern Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(2): 287-305, 2 figs [292-293] (as Ophiomusium anisacanthum)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [433] (as Ophiomusium anisacanthum)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa australe (H.L. Clark, 1928)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations




South Australia, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indo-Pacific, South Pacific


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Central Western Province (6), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Baker, A.N. & Devaney, D.M. 1981. New records of Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from southern Australia, including new species of Ophiacantha and Ophionereis. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105(4): 155-178, figs 1-98 [158, fig. 25-27] (as Ophiomusium australe)

Clark, H.L. 1946. The echinoderm fauna of Australia. Its composition and its origin. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 566: 1-567 [274-275] (as Ophiomusium simplex australe)

O'Hara, T.D. 1990. New records of Ophiuridae, Ophiacanthidae and Ophiocomidae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from south-eastern Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(2): 287-305, 2 figs [292] (as Ophiomusium australe)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [434] (as Ophiomusium australe)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Ophiomusa facunda (Koehler, 1922)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indian, Indo-Pacific


Lord Howe Province (14), Northeast Transition (19), Timor Province (2), Cape Province (20), Northwest Transition (3), Northwest Province (4)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental slope, inshore, marine.


General References

Guille, A. 1981. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Mémoires de ORSTOM 91: 413-456, 4 figs, 9 pls [451-453, pl. 9(54-55)] (as Ophiomusium facundum)

Liao, Y. & Clark, A.M. 1995. The echinoderms of southern China. Beijing : Science Press 614 pp., 23 pls. [295-296, fig. 166] (as Ophiomusium facundum)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa granosa (Lyman, 1878)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




New South Wales

Extra Distribution Information

Indo-Pacific, North Pacific, South Pacific


Central Eastern Province (12), Lord Howe Province (14)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental slope, marine.


General References

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [330] (as Ophiomusium granosum)

Litvinova, N.M. 1981. Brittle-stars (Ophiuroidea). Academy of Science of the USSR. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology pp. 113-131. [123] (as Ophiomusium granosum)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [96, pl. 1(10-11)] (as Ophiomusium granosum)

Matsumoto, H. 1917. A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(2): 1-408, figs 1-100, pls 1-7 [289] (as Ophiomusium granosum)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa incerta (Koehler, 1930)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




Tasmania, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Indo-Pacific, South Pacific


Tasmania Province (10), Southeast Transition (11), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Baker, A.N. 1979. Some Ophiuroidea from the Tasman Sea and adjacent waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 21-51, figs 1-8 [30-31] (as Ophiomusium incertum)

Clark, H.L. 1928. The sea-lilies, sea-stars, brittle-stars and sea-urchins of the South Australian Museum. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 3(4): 361-482 figs 108-142 [448] (as Ophiomusium aporum (in part, only paratype MCZ 4712))

Clark, H.L. 1946. The echinoderm fauna of Australia. Its composition and its origin. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 566: 1-567 [275] (as Ophiomusium aporum (in part))

Dartnall, A.J. 1980. Tasmanian Echinoderms. Fauna of Tasmania Handbook No. 3. Hobart : Fauna of Tasmania Committee 82 pp. 36 figs 5 pls. [41, 71] (as Ophiomusium aporum)

Madsen, F.J. 1967. Ophiuroidea. Report of the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1928–31 B 9: 123-144, figs 1-8, pl. 1 [143, fig. 8] (as Ophiomusium aporum)

O'Hara, T.D. 1990. New records of Ophiuridae, Ophiacanthidae and Ophiocomidae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from south-eastern Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(2): 287-305, 2 figs [292] (as Ophiomusium incertum)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [434] (as Ophiomusium incertum)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa kimblae (Baker, 1979)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations





Extra Distribution Information



Central Eastern Transition (15), Northeast Province (18)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, marine.


General References

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [434] (as Ophiomusium kimblae)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa luetkeni (Lyman, 1878)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations




Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indian, Indo-Pacific, North Pacific


Northwest Transition (3), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Clark, H.L. 1911. North Pacific ophiurans in the collection of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 75: 1-302, figs 1-144 [107] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni)

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [330] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni)

Clark, H.L. 1939. Ophiuroidea. Scientific Reports of the John Murray Expedition 6(2): 29-136, figs 1-62 [123] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni)

Guille, A. 1981. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Mémoires de ORSTOM 91: 413-456, 4 figs, 9 pls [453] (as Ophiomusium luetkeni)

Guille, A. & Vadon, C. 1986. Ophiuridae de l'oceán Indien profund. Indo-Malayan Zoology 3: 167-188 [173-174] (as Ophiomusium luetkeni)

Koehler, R. 1930. Ophiures recueillies par le Docteur Th. Mortensen dans les Mers d'Australie et dans l'Archipel Malais. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 89: 1-295 pls 1-22 [239-240] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni; 2 specimens)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [91-92, pl. 1(16-18)] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni)

Matsumoto, H. 1917. A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(2): 1-408, figs 1-100, pls 1-7 [290-291] (as Ophiomusium lütkeni)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa lymani (W.C. Thomson, 1873)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Arctic, East Atlantic, East Pacific, Indian, Indo-Pacific, North Atlantic, North Pacific, South Africa, South America, South Pacific, West Atlantic


Tasmania Province (10), Southeast Transition (11), Central Eastern Province (12), Lord Howe Province (14), Northeast Transition (19), Cape Province (20), Central Western Province (6), Southwest Transition (7), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Ecological Descriptors

Abyssal plain, benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Baker, A.N. 1979. Some Ophiuroidea from the Tasman Sea and adjacent waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 21-51, figs 1-8 [30] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Cherbonnier, G. & Sibuet, M. 1972. Resultats scientifique del al compagne Noratlante: Asterides et Ophiurides. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 3rd series. Zoologie 102: 365-426 [418-419] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Clark, A.M. & Courtman-Stock, J. 1976. The Echinoderms of Southern Africa. British Museum of Natural History Publication 766: 277 pp, 276 figs [191-192, fig. 211] (as Ophiomisidium lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1911. North Pacific ophiurans in the collection of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 75: 1-302, figs 1-144 [107-108] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1913. Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Gulf of California in charge of C.H. Townsend, by the U.S. Fisheries Steamship 'Albatross' in 1911. Commander C.H. Burrage, U.S.N., Commanding. V. Echinoderms from Lower California, with descriptions of new spec. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 32: 185-236 [213-214] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [331] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1917. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding. X. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 61(12): 429-453 pls 1-5 [450] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1939. Ophiuroidea. Scientific Reports of the John Murray Expedition 6(2): 29-136, figs 1-62 [128] (as Ophiomusa lymani)

Clark, H.L. 1941. Reports on the scientific results of the Atlantis Expeditions to the West Indies. Echinoderms (other than holothurians). Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey" 15: 1-54 [93] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Guille, A. 1981. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Mémoires de ORSTOM 91: 413-456, 4 figs, 9 pls [453, pl. 8(47)] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Guille, A. & Vadon, C. 1986. Ophiuridae de l'oceán Indien profund. Indo-Malayan Zoology 3: 167-188 [169] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Guozhen, L. 1987. Deep-sea ophiurans in the South China Sea. Nanhai Studia Marina Sinica 8: 143-153, pl. 1 [151-152, fig. 9-10, pl. 1(7)] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Herring 1995. Bioluminescent echinoderms: Unity of function in diversity of expression? pp. 9-17 in Emson, R.H., Smith A.B. & Campbell, A.C. (eds). Echinoderm Research. Rotterdam : Balkema. (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Hertz, M. 1927. Die Ophiuroiden der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 1. Chilophiurida Mats. (Ophiolepididae: Ophioleucidae: Ophiodermatidae: Ophiocomidae). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898–1899 22(3): 59–122 pls 6–9 [103-105] (as Ophiomusa lyman)

Imaoka, T., Irimura, S., Okutani, T., Oguro, C., S 1990. Echinoderms from continental shelf and slope around Japan Vol. 1. Tokyo : Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association 159 pp. [95, fig. 53] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Koehler, R. 1898. Echinides et Ophiures provenant des campagnes du yacht L'Hirondelle. Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies par le Prince Albert I. Monaco 12: 1-78 [42] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Koehler, R. 1904. Ophiures de mer profonde. Siboga-Expéditie Report 45(a): 1-176 pls 1-36 [58] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Koehler, R. 1907. Ophiures. Expéditions Scientifiques du 'Travailleur' et du 'Talisman' pendent les années 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883 7: 245-311 [264-265] (as Ophiomusium Lymani)

Koehler, R. 1909. Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht 'Princesse Alice'. Rés. Sci. campagnes du Prince de Monaco 34 [161, pl. 3(4), 4(1)] (as Ophiomusium Lymani)

Koehler, R. 1914. A contribution to the study of ophiurans of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 84: 1-173, pls 1-18 [26] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Koehler, R. 1922. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 100(5): 1-486, pls 1-103 [411-413, pl. 86(5,7-9)] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Litvinova, N.M. 1981. Brittle-stars (Ophiuroidea). Academy of Science of the USSR. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology pp. 113-131. [123] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Lyman, T. 1878. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the exploring voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, under Prof. Sir Wyville Thomson, F.R.S. Part 1. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 5(7): 65-168, pls 1-10 [113] (as Ophiomusium Lymani)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [90] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Lyman, T. 1883. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Caribbean Sea in 1878–79, and among the Atlantic coast of the United States during the summer of 1880, by the U.S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, Commander J.R. Bartl. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 10(6): 227-287, pls 1-8 [245, pl. 5(55-57)] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Manso, C.L.C. 2010. Deep-water Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from off Chile in the Eastern South Pacific. Biota Neotropica 10(2): 1-15 [14, fig. 15a-b] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Martynov, A.V. & Litvinova, N.M. 2008. Deep-water Ophiuroidea of the northern Atlantic with descriptions of three new species and taxonomic remarks on certain genera and species. Marine Biology Research 4: 76-111 [90, fig. 6h] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Matsumoto, H. 1917. A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(2): 1-408, figs 1-100, pls 1-7 [289] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

McClendon, J.F. 1909. The ophiurans of the San Diego region. University of California Publications in Zoology 6(3): 33-64, 478 (errata) [36-37, pl. 1(4-5)] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

McKnight, D.G. 1975. Some echinoderms from the northern Tasman Sea. Records of the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute 2(5): 49-76 [64] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

McKnight, D.G. 1989. Some echinoderm records from the tropical Southwest Pacific Ocean. DMFS Reports 3: 19-30 [27] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

McKnight, D.G. 1993. Records of echinoderms (excluding holothurians) from the Norfolk Ridge and Three Kings Rise north of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 20: 165-190 [176, 188] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Mortensen, T. 1933. Echinoderms of South Africa (Asteroidea: Ophiuroidea). Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 93: 215-400, figs 1-91, pls 8-19 [394] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Mortensen, T. 1933. Ophiuroidea. Danish Ingolf-Expedition 4(8): 121pp. [100-102] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Paterson, G.L.C. & Baker, A.N. 1988. A revision of the genus Ophiambix (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) including the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History 22: 1579-1590 [fig. 3a-b] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Paterson, G.L.J. 1985. The deep-sea Ophiuroidea of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zool. 49(1): 1-162, figs 1-59 [147-148, fig. 58] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [434] (as Ophiomusium lymani)

Vadon, C. & Guille, A. 1984. Les Ophiuridae (Ophiuroidea, Echinodermata) de la campagne MD 32 du 'Marion-Dufresne' autour de l'île de La Réunion. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] section A 6(3): 583-615 [584] (as Ophiomusium lymani)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 26-Mar-2012 MOVED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa miranda (Koehler, 1930)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information



Timor Province (2)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, marine.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa relicta (Koehler, 1904)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations





Extra Distribution Information

Indo-Pacific, North Pacific, South Pacific


Lord Howe Province (14), Cape Province (20)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Clark, A.H. 1949. Ophiuroidea of the Hawaiian Islands. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 195: 3-133, figs 1-22 [64-65] (as Ophiomusium relictum)

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [334] (as Ophiomusium relictum)

Hertz, M. 1927. Die Ophiuroiden der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 1. Chilophiurida Mats. (Ophiolepididae: Ophioleucidae: Ophiodermatidae: Ophiocomidae). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898–1899 22(3): 59–122 pls 6–9 [105, pl. 8(15-16)] (as Ophiomusa relicta)

Koehler, R. 1922. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 100(5): 1-486, pls 1-103 [416, pl. 91(6-8)] (as Ophiomusium relictum; 1 specimen)

Koehler, R. 1930. Ophiures recueillies par le Docteur Th. Mortensen dans les Mers d'Australie et dans l'Archipel Malais. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 89: 1-295 pls 1-22 [241-242] (as Ophiomusium relictum; 2 specimens)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa scalare (Lyman, 1878)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




South Australia, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indian, Indo-Pacific, North Pacific, South Pacific


Timor Transition (1), Tasman Basin Province (13), Lord Howe Province (14), Timor Province (2), Norfolk Island Province (21), Northwest Shelf Transition (26), Northwest Transition (3), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Central Western Province (6), Southwest Transition (7), Southern Province (8)

Distribution References

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [334] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Guille, A. 1981. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Mémoires de ORSTOM 91: 413-456, 4 figs, 9 pls [454, pl. 9(56-57)] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Guille, A. & Vadon, C. 1986. Ophiuridae de l'oceán Indien profund. Indo-Malayan Zoology 3: 167-188 [173, pl. 1(3-4)] (as Ophiomusium aff scalare)

Imaoka, T., Irimura, S., Okutani, T., Oguro, C., S 1990. Echinoderms from continental shelf and slope around Japan Vol. 1. Tokyo : Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association 159 pp. [93, fig. 51] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Irimura, S. 1981. Ophiurans of Tanabe Bay and its vicinity, with the description of a new species of Ophiocentrus. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 26(1/3): 15-49, pl. 1 [40-41] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1897. Échinodermes recueillis par l'Investigator dans l'Océan Indien. I. Les ophiures de mer profonde. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie 8(4): 277-372, pls 5-9 [308-312, pl. 6(24-25)] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1899. An account of the deep-sea Ophiuroidea collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator. Calcutta : Indian Museum 76 pp., 14 pls. [26-28, pl. 2(12-13), 3(21)] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1904. Ophiures de mer profonde. Siboga-Expéditie Report 45(a): 1-176 pls 1-36 [65] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1907. Ophiures. Expéditions Scientifiques du 'Travailleur' et du 'Talisman' pendent les années 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883 7: 245-311 [266-267] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1922. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 100(5): 1-486, pls 1-103 [417, pl. 89(7), 90(1-2)] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Koehler, R. 1930. Ophiures recueillies par le Docteur Th. Mortensen dans les Mers d'Australie et dans l'Archipel Malais. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 89: 1-295 pls 1-22 [242-243] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Liao, Y. & Clark, A.M. 1995. The echinoderms of southern China. Beijing : Science Press 614 pp., 23 pls. [296-297, fig. 167] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [95-96, pl. 1(4-6)] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Matsumoto, H. 1917. A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(2): 1-408, figs 1-100, pls 1-7 [285-268, fig. 77] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

McKnight, D.G. 1975. Some echinoderms from the northern Tasman Sea. Records of the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute 2(5): 49-76 [64-65] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

McKnight, D.G. 1993. Records of echinoderms (excluding holothurians) from the Norfolk Ridge and Three Kings Rise north of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 20: 165-190 [176, 189] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Rowe, F.W.E. 1989. Nine new deep-water species of Echinodermata from Norfolk Island and Wanganella Bank, northeastern Tasman Sea, with a checklist of the echinoderm fauna. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 111(4): 257-291, 12 figs, 1 tbl [287] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [435] (as Ophiomusium scalare)

Vadon, C. & Guille, A. 1984. Les Ophiuridae (Ophiuroidea, Echinodermata) de la campagne MD 32 du 'Marion-Dufresne' autour de l'île de La Réunion. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] section A 6(3): 583-615 [584] (as Ophiomusium scalare)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 OPHIURIDA 04-Mar-2015 MODIFIED
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ophiomusa simplex (Lyman, 1878)

Compiler and date details

2012 - Tim O'Hara, Museum Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia


Generic Combinations




Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Indo-Pacific, North Pacific, South Pacific


Lord Howe Province (14), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5), Central Western Province (6)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, continental shelf, continental slope, marine.


General References

Clark, H.L. 1911. North Pacific ophiurans in the collection of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 75: 1-302, figs 1-144 [109] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Clark, H.L. 1915. Catalogue of recent ophiurans: based on the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 25(4): 165-376, pls 1-20 [333] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Guille, A. 1981. Echinodermes: Ophiurides. Mémoires de ORSTOM 91: 413-456, 4 figs, 9 pls [453-454] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Irimura, S. 1981. Ophiurans of Tanabe Bay and its vicinity, with the description of a new species of Ophiocentrus. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 26(1/3): 15-49, pl. 1 [40] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Koehler, R. 1922. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Ophiurans of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 100(5): 1-486, pls 1-103 [417-418, pl. 88(10-11)] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Koehler, R. 1930. Ophiures recueillies par le Docteur Th. Mortensen dans les Mers d'Australie et dans l'Archipel Malais. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 89: 1-295 pls 1-22 [241] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Liao, Y. & Clark, A.M. 1995. The echinoderms of southern China. Beijing : Science Press 614 pp., 23 pls. [297-298, fig. 168, pl. 17(10-11)] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Lyman, T. 1882. Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 5: 1-385 pls 1-48 [93-94, pl. 1(7-9)] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Matsumoto, H. 1917. A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 38(2): 1-408, figs 1-100, pls 1-7 [288] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

McKnight, D.G. 1993. Records of echinoderms (excluding holothurians) from the Norfolk Ridge and Three Kings Rise north of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 20: 165-190 [176, 189] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Murakami, S. 1944. Report on the ophiurans from Ogasawara Islands and from on the Yaeyama group, Nippon. Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University 7(7): 235-257, 14 figs [255] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Murakami, S. 1963. The dental and oral plates of Ophiuroidea. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 4(1): 1-48 [179] (as Ophiomusium simplex)

Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp. [435] (as Ophiomusium simplex)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Sep-2023 ECHINODERMATA 07-Aug-2023 MODIFIED Nish Nizar (NMV)
15-Sep-2023 22-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
29-Mar-2010 MODIFIED