Species Lophotus guntheri Johnston, 1883
Name Export for Lophotus guntheri Johnston, 1883
Lophotus_guntheri.csv (Click link directly or right click and 'Save As'...)
Note: some exports may take a few minutes to complete.
Names Export Format
The current format for exports from the AFD is a CSV (comma separated values) file, which can be used in Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheets, as well as easily imported into relational databases like Oracle or MS SQL Server.
We're also investigating exports in different XML schemas but at the moment no specific schema has been decided.
The CSV format contains a lot of information and hopefully will fulfil most people's data needs. We include for each name a GUID and a timestamp for the name itself, the taxonomic concept, and primary reference.
Format Definition
Field name | Description |
CAVS_CODE | The CAVS code if available. |
CAAB_CODE | The CAAB code if available. |
NAMES_VARIOUS | This field holds either the species group name or the common name. |
SCIENTIFIC_NAME | The full scientific name and authority. |
FAMILY | The family scientific name. |
GENUS | The genus scientific name. |
SUBGENUS | The subgenus scientific name. |
SPECIES | The species scientific name. |
SUBSPECIES | The subspecies scientific name. |
NAME_TYPE | The classification of this name:
NAME_SUBTYPE | Further classification on the name type:
RANK | The rank of this taxon. |
QUALIFICATION | Qualification or comments for the taxon. |
AUTHOR | The authority author name. |
YEAR | The authoriy year. |
ORIG_COMBINATION | Whether this is an original combination, either 'Y', 'N' or empty when not applicable. |
NAME_GUID | The GUID of the name. |
NAME_LAST_UPDATE | The time at which this name was last updated. |
TAXON_GUID | The GUID of the AFD taxonomic concept with which this name is associated. |
TAXON_LAST_UPDATE | The time at which this taxonomic concept was last updated. |
TAXON_PARENT_GUID | The GUID of the parent AFD taxonomic concept. |
Fields relating to the primary reference | |
Field name | Description |
CONCEPT_GUID | The GUID of taxonomic concept of the primary reference. For valid names this will be the same as the TAXON_GUID. The publication fields will be empty, as the publication is this directory itself. |
PUB_AUTHOR | The author of the publication. |
PUB_YEAR | The year of the publication. |
PUB_TITLE | The title of the publication. |
PUB_PAGES | The pages referenced. |
PUB_PARENT_BOOK_TITLE | The title of the book in which the chapter occurs, if applicable. |
PUB_PARENT_JOURNAL_TITLE | The title of the journal in which the article occurs, if applicable. |
PUB_PARENT_ARTICLE_TITLE | The title of the article in which the section occurs, if applicable. |
PUB_PUBLICATION_DATE | The publication date. |
PUB_PUBLISHER | The publisher. |
PUB_FORMATTED | The formatted version of this publication. |
PUB_QUALIFICATION | Qualification and comments about this publication. |
PUB_TYPE | Type of publication reference:
PUBLICATION_GUID | The GUID for this publication record. |
PUBLICATION_LAST_UPDATE | The timestamp of the last update to this publication. |
PARENT_PUBLICATION_GUID | The GUID for the publication containing this publication (if any). |
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