Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Family IOTROCHOTIDAE Dendy, 1922

Compiler and date details

2010 - J.N.A. Hooper, Queensland Museum, Brisbane


The recognition of Dendy's (1922) largely ignored section Iotrochoteae at the family level unites genera possessing the peculiar birotulas, previously assigned to a variety of families (e.g. Desmacididae (Iotrochota), Coelosphaeridae (Amphiastrella), Myxillidae (Iotrochota, Iotroata), Hymedesmiidae (Hymetrochota), and Microcionidae (Rotuloplocamia)). The family is represented in most areas of the world in shallow as well as deeper waters. Eleven nominal genera, six of which are considered valid: Amphiastrella, Hymetrochota, Iotroata, Iotrochopsamma, Iotrochota and Rotuloplocamia.



Encrusting, massive, fistular, ramose or flabellate sponges; ectosomal skeleton variously consisting of perpendicular or tangentially arranged tornotes or absent; many genera demonstrate a lack of differentiation of megascleres. Choanosomal skeleton reticulate or hymedesmioid. Choanosomal megascleres styles, strongyles, or tylotes, smooth or acanthose. Microscleres birotulas, occasionally also anchorate isochelae and sigmas.


ID Keys

(1) No megascleres; the skeleton is a reticulation of sand grains ----------------------------------- Iotrochopsamma
At least one category of megascleres ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

(2) Fistular growth form with parchment-like surface made up of intercrossing strongylote or tylote spicules. Choanosomal skeleton vestigial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amphiastrella
Choanosomal skeleton elaborate, reticulated, plocamiid or hymedesmioid ---------------------------------------------- 3

(3) Acanthose megascleres present ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Acanthose megascleres absent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6

(4) Among the acanthose megascleres there are acanthose strongyles and tylotes; skeleton arrangement is plocamiid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rotuloplocamia
No acanthostrongyles or -tylotes; skeleton hymedesmioid or reticulate ------------------------------------------------ 5

(5) Thin encrustations. Skeleton hymedesmioid (i.e., with acanthostyles erect on the substrate, points outwards, with shorter acanthostyles in groups at the base -------------------------------------------------------- Hymetrochota
Massive or lamellar. Skeleton reticulate, no smaller echinating acanthostyles -------------------------------- Iotroata

(6) Rectangular reticulation of polyspicular tracts; differentiation in shorter/fatter and longer/thinner spicules which may be either styles\or strongyles or both, but these are not functionally localized ---------------------- Iotrochota
Reticulation of single spicules or paucispicular tracts; differentiation into ectosomal tornotes and choanosomal styles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iotroata


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
29-Mar-2018 15-Dec-2011 MOVED
29-Mar-2018 13-Apr-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)