Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Syscenus springthorpei</I>

Syscenus springthorpei


Regional Maps

Family AEGIDAE White, 1850

Compiler and date details

Niel L. Bruce, Helen M. Lew Ton & Gary C.B. Poore


Aegids are marine (rarely freshwater) commensals or micropredators of fish and freshwater shrimps. Some species are recorded from sponges. The family is cosmopolitan with numerous species. Brusca (1983) and Bruce (1983) have provided recent introductions to the literature. Bruce et al. (1982) and Bruce (1985, 1993a) gave keys to separate this family from similar families. Bruce (1993b, 2009) provided keys to the genera. Seven genera and 33 species are known from Australia, with Alitropus (freshwater) and Syscenus (mesopelagic), each represented only by a single species.


Excluded Taxa


AEGIDAE: Aega punctulata Miers, 1881 [Occurrence in Australia based on a misidentification in Hale (1937) from off Maria Island, TAS, see Bruce (2009).] — Bruce, N.L. 2009. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isopoda, Aegidae (Crustacea). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 122: 1-252 [235-236]



Body evenly vaulted or quite depressed. Eyes when present lateral or dorsolateral, usually large, sometimes contiguous or nearly so. Both antennae well developed; division between peduncle and flagellum distinct; flagella multiarticulate. Antenna 1 shorter than antenna 2. Mandible incisor narrow, molar process present; lacinia mobilis and spine row (usually) absent. Maxilla 1 styliform, with terminal robust setae. Maxilla 2 with small distomedial lobe joined to largely lateral lobe; each lobe with 2 or more apical robust setae. Maxilliped with endite and epipod; palp with 3 to 5 articles, at least 3 and 4 with large hooked spines. Pereopods 1-3 prehensile (i.e. stongly curved); pereopods 4-7 ambulatory. Pleon with 4-5 free pleonites, plus pleotelson. Uropods anterolateral, flattened (except Xenuraega). Pleopodal rami lamellar, without ridges or folding, with plumose marginal setae except on pleopod 5 endopod. This definition follows that Brusca (1983).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Aug-2022 PERACARIDA Calman, 1904 26-Dec-2024 MODIFIED Lauren Timms (NMV) Dr Genefor Walker-Smith (NMV)
05-Aug-2022 05-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 06-May-2011 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 29-Jun-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)