Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Domrow, R. & Lester, L.N. 1985. Chiggers of Australia (Acari : Trombiculidae) an annotated checklist, keys and bibliography. Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 114: 1-111

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Trombigastia alcithoe Domrow, 1959 Valid Name Trombigastia alcithoe Domrow, 1959 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Vercammenia gloriosa Domrow, 1969 Valid Name Vercammenia gloriosa Domrow, 1969 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Vercammenia zweifelorum Domrow, Loomis & Lester, 1983 Valid Name Vercammenia zweifelorum Domrow, Loomis & Lester, 1983 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Whartonacarus shiraii (Sasa, Kano & Ogata, 1952) Valid Name Whartonacarus shiraii (Sasa, Kano & Ogata, 1952) Introduction
ARTHROPODA WALCHIIDAE WALCHIIDAE Ewing, 1946 Valid Name WALCHIIDAE Ewing, 1946 Introduction
ARTHROPODA WALCHIIDAE Walchia fulleri Vercammen-Grandjean, 1971 Valid Name Walchia fulleri Vercammen-Grandjean, 1971 Introduction
ARTHROPODA WALCHIIDAE Walchia morobensis Gunther, 1939 Valid Name Walchia morobensis Gunther, 1939 Introduction

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