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Sub-publications- Kristensen, T.K. 1980. Periodical growth rings in cephalopod statoliths. Dana Reports 1: 39-51
- Laursen, D. 1953. The genus Ianthina. Dana Reports 38: 3-40
- Marshall, N. B. 1966. Bathyprion danae a new genus and species of alepocephaliform fishes. Dana Reports 68: 1-10
- Mead, G.W. 1972. Bramidae. Dana Reports 81: 1-166 figs 1-58 pls 1-9
- Mohr, E. 1937. Revision der Centriscidae (Acanthoptergii, Centrisciformes). Dana Reports 13: 1-69 figs 1-33 pls 1-2
- Moss, S.A. 1962. Melamphaidae II. A new melamphaid genus, Sio, with redescription of Sio nordenskjöldii (Lönnberg). Dana Reports 56: 1-10 figs 1-4
- Nafpaktitis, B.G. 1973. A review of the lanternfishes (Family Myctophidae) described by Å. Vedel Tåning. Dana Reports 83: 1-46 figs 1-44
- Nielsen, J.G. & Smith, D.G. 1978. The eel family Nemichthyidae (Pisces, Anguilliformes). Dana Reports 88: 1-71 figs 1-36 pls 1-2
- Parr, A.E. 1960. The fishes of the family Searsidae. Dana Reports 51: 1-109 figs 1-73
- Pickford, G.E. 1946. Vampyroteuthis infernalis Chun, an archaic dibranchiate cephalopod. 1. Natural history and distribution. Dana Reports 29: 1-40
- Pickford, G.E. 1949. Vampyroteuthis infernalis Chun, an archaic dibranchiate cephalopod. 2. External anatomy. Dana Reports 32: 1-132
- Pruvot-Fol, A. 1942. Les Gymnosomes. I. Dana Reports 4(20): 1–54
- Regan, C.T. 1926. The pediculate fishes of the suborder Ceratioidae. Dana Reports 1920-22 2: 1-45 figs 1-13
- Regan, C.T. & Trewavas, E. 1929. The fishes of the families Astronesthidae and Chauliodontidae. Dana Reports 1920-22 5: 1-39 figs 1-25 pls 1-7
- Regan, C.T. & Trewavas, E. 1930. The fishes of the families Stomiatidae and Malacosteidae. Dana Reports 1920–22 6: 1-143 figs 1-138 pls 1-14
- Regan, C.T. & Trewavas, E. 1932. Deep sea anglerfish (Ceratioidea). Dana Reports 1928–30 2: 1-113 figs 1-172 pls 1-10 [1928–30]
- Roper, C.F.E. 1966. A study of the genus Enoploteuthis (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) in the Atlantic Ocean with a redescription of the type species E. leptura (Leach, 1817). Dana Reports 66: 1-46
- Roper, C.F.E. 1966. A study of the genus Enoploteuthis (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the Atlantic Ocean with a redescription of the type species E. leptura (Leach, 1817). Dana Reports 66: 1-46
- Shih, C.-T. 1969. The systematics and biology of the family Phronimidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Dana Reports 74: 1-100
- Smith, D.G. & Castle, P.H.J. 1982. Larvae of the nettastomatid eels : systematics and distribution. Dana Reports 90: 1-44 figs 1-33
- Stiasny, G. 1940. Die Scyphomedusen. Dana Reports 18: 1–28, pls 1–2
- Thore, S. 1949. Investigations on the Dana Octopoda. Pt 1. Bolitaenidae, Amphitretidae, Vitreledonellidae, and Alloposidae. Dana Reports 33: 1-85
- Weitzman, S.H. 1967. The osteology and relationships of the Astronesthidae, a family of oceanic fishes. Dana Reports 71: 1-54 figs 1-31
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