Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Taylor, F.H. 1946. Spiders, ticks and mites, including the species harmful to man in Australia and New Guinea. Section 1. Descriptive. Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health, Service Publications (School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney) 6: 1-234

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria dasycerci (Hirst, 1929) Valid Name Guntheria dasycerci (Hirst, 1929) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria derricki (Womersley, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria derricki (Womersley, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria heaslipi (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Valid Name Guntheria heaslipi (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria innisfailensis (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Valid Name Guntheria innisfailensis (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria kallipygos (Gunther, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria kallipygos (Gunther, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria newmani (Womersley, 1952) Valid Name Guntheria newmani (Womersley, 1952) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria perameles (Womersley, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria perameles (Womersley, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria petrogale (Womersley, 1934) Valid Name Guntheria petrogale (Womersley, 1934) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria queenslandica (Womersley, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria queenslandica (Womersley, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria shieldsi (Gunther, 1941) Valid Name Guntheria shieldsi (Gunther, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria smithi (Womersley, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria smithi (Womersley, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Guntheria trichosuri (Womersley, 1939) Valid Name Guntheria trichosuri (Womersley, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Leptotrombidium deliense (Walch, 1922) Valid Name Leptotrombidium deliense (Walch, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Neoschoengastia cairnsensis gateri Taylor, 1946 synonym Guntheria coorongensis (Hirst, 1929) Primary
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Neotrombicula novaehollandiae (Hirst, 1929) Valid Name Neotrombicula novaehollandiae (Hirst, 1929) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Trombicula chiroptera Womersley & Heaslip, 1943 Valid Name Trombicula chiroptera Womersley & Heaslip, 1943 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Trombicula quadriensis Womersley & Heaslip, 1943 Valid Name Trombicula quadriensis Womersley & Heaslip, 1943 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SARCOPTIDAE Sarcoptes scabiei (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Sarcoptes scabiei (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction

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