Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Marshall, J.G. & Willan, R.C. 1999. Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Leiden : Backhuys 257 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA DISCODORIDIDAE Sclerodoris cf. apiculata (Alder & Hancock, 1864) Valid Name Sclerodoris cf. apiculata (Alder & Hancock, 1864) Introduction
MOLLUSCA DISCODORIDIDAE Sebadoris nubilosa (Pease, 1871) Generic Combination Sebadoris nubilosa (Pease, 1871) 84, figs 149-150
MOLLUSCA DISCODORIDIDAE Taringa luteola (Kelaart, 1858) Valid Name Taringa luteola (Kelaart, 1858) Introduction 174
MOLLUSCA DISCODORIDIDAE Tayuva lilacina (Gould, 1852) Valid Name Tayuva lilacina (Gould, 1852) Introduction 74
MOLLUSCA DISCODORIDIDAE Thordisa clandestina Bergh, 1884 Valid Name Thordisa clandestina Bergh, 1884 Introduction 174
MOLLUSCA EUBRANCHIDAE Eubranchus rubropunctatus Edmunds, 1969 Valid Name Eubranchus rubropunctatus Edmunds, 1969 Introduction 138-139
MOLLUSCA FLABELLINIDAE Flabellina bicolor (Kelaart, 1858) Valid Name Flabellina bicolor (Kelaart, 1858) Introduction 135-136
MOLLUSCA FLABELLINIDAE Flabellina bicolor (Kelaart, 1858) Valid Name Flabellina bicolor (Kelaart, 1858) Synonymy references 136
MOLLUSCA FLABELLINIDAE Flabellina exoptata Gosliner & Willan, 1991 Valid Name Flabellina exoptata Gosliner & Willan, 1991 Introduction 136
MOLLUSCA FLABELLINIDAE Flabellina rubrolineata (O'Donoghue, 1929) Valid Name Flabellina rubrolineata (O'Donoghue, 1929) Introduction 137
MOLLUSCA FLABELLINIDAE Flabellina rubrolineata (O'Donoghue, 1929) Valid Name Flabellina rubrolineata (O'Donoghue, 1929) Synonymy references 137
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys cheverti Brazier, 1877 Valid Name Atys cheverti Brazier, 1877 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys cylindricus (Helbling, 1779) Valid Name Atys cylindricus (Helbling, 1779) Introduction
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys darnleyensis Brazier, 1877 Valid Name Atys darnleyensis Brazier, 1877 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys debilis Pease, 1860 Valid Name Atys debilis Pease, 1860 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys densus Brazier, 1877 Valid Name Atys densus Brazier, 1877 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys naucum (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Atys naucum (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys semistriatus Pease, 1860 Valid Name Atys semistriatus Pease, 1860 Introduction 25
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Atys tortuosus A. Adams, 1850 Valid Name Atys tortuosus A. Adams, 1850 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Diniatys dentifer (A. Adams, 1850) Valid Name Diniatys dentifer (A. Adams, 1850) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Diniatys monodontus A. Adams, 1850 Valid Name Diniatys monodontus A. Adams, 1850 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Haloa crocata (Pease, 1860) Valid Name Haloa crocata (Pease, 1860) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Haminoea cymbalum [misidentifcation; not Quoy & Gaimard, 1833] Miscellaneous Literature Name Haminoea simillina Pease, 1868 25
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Haminoea simillina Pease, 1868 Valid Name Haminoea simillina Pease, 1868 Introduction 25-26
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Haminoea vitrea (A. Adams, 1850) Valid Name Haminoea vitrea (A. Adams, 1850) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Liloa cairnsiana (Melvill & Standen, 1895) Valid Name Liloa cairnsiana (Melvill & Standen, 1895) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Liloa curta (A. Adams, 1850) Valid Name Liloa curta (A. Adams, 1850) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Liloa decora (Brazier, 1877) Valid Name Liloa decora (Brazier, 1877) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Liloa papyrus (A. Adams, 1850) Valid Name Liloa papyrus (A. Adams, 1850) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Micratys palmarum (Hedley, 1912) Valid Name Micratys palmarum (Hedley, 1912) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Mnestia bizona (A. Adams, 1850) Valid Name Mnestia bizona (A. Adams, 1850) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Mnestia doliaria (Hedley, 1907) Valid Name Mnestia doliaria (Hedley, 1907) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Mnestia granosa Brazier, 1877 Valid Name Mnestia granosa Brazier, 1877 Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Mnestia pulchra (Brazier, 1877) Valid Name Mnestia pulchra (Brazier, 1877) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Mnestia reticulata (Watson, 1886) Valid Name Mnestia reticulata (Watson, 1886) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Osorattis dubiosus (Brazier, 1877) Valid Name Osorattis dubiosus (Brazier, 1877) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Phanerophthalmus luteus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) Valid Name Phanerophthalmus luteus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Phanerophthalmus smaragdinus (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830) Valid Name Phanerophthalmus smaragdinus (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830) Introduction 26
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Phanerophthalmus smaragdinus (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830) Valid Name Phanerophthalmus smaragdinus (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830) Synonymy references 26
MOLLUSCA HAMINOEIDAE Smaragdinella calyculata (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) Valid Name Smaragdinella calyculata (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) Introduction 171
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Cyerce Bergh, 1870 Valid Name Cyerce Bergh, 1870 Introduction 43
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Cyerce elegans Bergh, 1871 Valid Name Cyerce elegans Bergh, 1871 Introduction 42
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Cyerce nigra Bergh, 1871 Valid Name Cyerce nigra Bergh, 1871 Introduction 173
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Cyerce nigricans (Pease, 1866) Valid Name Cyerce nigricans (Pease, 1866) Introduction 42-43
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858) Valid Name Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858) Synonymy references 44
MOLLUSCA HERMAEIDAE Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858) Valid Name Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858) Introduction 44
MOLLUSCA JANOLIDAE Janolus mirabilis Baba & Abe, 1970 Valid Name Janolus mirabilis Baba & Abe, 1970 Introduction 135
MOLLUSCA JULIIDAE Julia exquisita Gould, 1862 Valid Name Julia exquisita Gould, 1862 Introduction 30-31
MOLLUSCA JULIIDAE Julia exquisita Gould, 1862 Valid Name Julia exquisita Gould, 1862 Synonymy references 31
MOLLUSCA LIMAPONTIIDAE Placida dendritica (Alder & Hancock, 1843) Valid Name Placida dendritica (Alder & Hancock, 1843) Introduction 41

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