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Sub-publications- Butler, A.G. 1874. Descriptions of two new species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera in the collecton of the British Museum. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 11: 77-78
- Butler, A.G. 1877. Descriptions of three Lepidopterous insects from Queensland. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 108-110
- Butler, A.G. 1877. List of Heterocerous Lepidoptera recently collected by the Rev. T. Blackburn in the Hawaiian Islands. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 47-50
- Butler, A.G. 1879. On Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected in the Hawaiian Islands by the Rev. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 15: 269-273
- Butler, A.G. 1880. On two small consignments of Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 17: 6-9
- Butler, A.G. 1884. [untitled section]. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 21: 133 [Date published 26/9/1884]
- Butler, A.G. 1887. A new genus of Pierinae allied to Appias. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 23: 248-249
- Cameron, M. 1920. New species of Staphylinidae from India (1). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 56: 141-148
- Cameron, M. 1933. New species of Staphylinidae (Col.) from Japan. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 69: 168-175, 208-219 [Date published July, Oct 1933]
- Cameron, M. 1936. New species of Staphylinidae (Col.) from Mauritius. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 72: 201-203
- Cameron, M. 1940. New species of Oriental Staphylinidae (Col.). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 249-253 [Date published 4 Nov 1940]
- Cameron, M. 1950. New species of New Zealand Staphylinidae (Col.). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 4 11: 23–26
- Cameron, P. 1882. Notes on Tenthredinidae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 18(213): 193–195
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & Leston, D. 1952. The classification of the British Miridae (Hem.), with keys to the genera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 88: 231-251
- Champion, G.C. 1891. On two new species of Anthicidae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2 2: 188–189
- Champion, G.C. 1893. On Trachyscelis, with descriptions of three new species. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 29: 253-255
- Champion, G.C. 1896. Some remarks on the insects belonging to the genus Palorus Muls., with a description of one new species. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 32: 26-30
- Champion, G.C. 1913. Coleoptera, etc. in bromeliads. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2 24: 2-7
- Champion, G.C. 1914. Notes on the Australian Xylophilidae described by Blackburn, with a description of a remarkable new species from Queensland. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2 25: 264–265
- Champion, G.C. 1916. [Taxonomic notes]. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 52: 207-208
- Champion, G.C. 1916. Notes on Melandryidae (2). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 52: 1–10
- Champion, G.C. 1916. Notes on Melandryidae (3). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 3 2: 32–40 [[Feb.], 52–59[Mar.], 75–83[Apr.], 99–108[May], 144–157]
- Champion, G.C. 1916. On new exotic Scraptiina. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 3 2: 233–253 [[Nov.], 265–274, pl. VII [Dec.]]
- Champion, G.C. 1917. New Xylophilids from Australia, India and Borneo. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 3 3: 1–4
- Champion, G.C. 1923. Some Indian Coleoptera (12). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 3 9: 247-253 [Date published 30 Nov. 1923]
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