Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Stebbing, T.R.R. 1906. Amphipoda I. Gammaridae. Das Tierreich 21: 1-806

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PODOCERIDAE Podocerus laevis (Haswell, 1885) Valid Name Podocerus laevis (Haswell, 1885) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SANCHOIDAE Sancho platynotus Stebbing, 1897 Valid Name Sancho platynotus Stebbing, 1897 Introduction
ARTHROPODA EURYTHENEIDAE Gammarus gryllus Lichtenstein, 1822 synonym Eurythenes gryllus (Lichtenstein, 1822) Secondary source 73
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Atylus walkeri Stebbing, 1906 synonym Paramoera walkeri (Stebbing, 1906) Primary 728
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Eusiroides caesaris Stebbing, 1888 Valid Name Eusiroides caesaris Stebbing, 1888 Introduction 345
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Eusiroides monoculoides (Haswell, 1879) Valid Name Eusiroides monoculoides (Haswell, 1879) Introduction 345
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Pontogeneia magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Atyloella magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) 360
ARTHROPODA HYALIDAE Hyale hawaiensis (Dana, 1853) Generic Combination Parhyale hawaiensis (Dana, 1853) 573
ARTHROPODA HYALIDAE Hyale media (Dana, 1853) Generic Combination Apohyale media (Dana, 1853) 569
ARTHROPODA HYALIDAE Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) Valid Name Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYALIDAE Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) Valid Name Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) Synonymy references 556
ARTHROPODA HYALIDAE Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) Generic Combination Neobule gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1840) 556
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Nannonyx integricauda (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Kakanui integricauda (Stebbing, 1888) 35
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Socarnes kroyeri (White, 1847) Generic Combination Waldeckia kroyeri kroyeri (White, 1847) 57
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Socarnoides stebbingi (Thomson, 1893) Generic Combination Parawaldeckia stebbingi (Thomson, 1893) 47
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Tmetonyx miersi (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Photosella miersi (Stebbing, 1888) 65
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopella ovata (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Probolisca ovata (Stebbing, 1888) 183, figs 47, 48
ARTHROPODA PHLIANTIDAE Iphiplateia Stebbing, 1899 Valid Name Iphiplateia Stebbing, 1899 Introduction 203
ARTHROPODA PHLIANTIDAE Iphiplateia whiteleggei Stebbing, 1899 Valid Name Iphiplateia whiteleggei Stebbing, 1899 Introduction p. 203, figs 52, 53
ARTHROPODA PROTORCHESTIIDAE Eorchestia macleayana (Haswell, 1879) Valid Name Eorchestia macleayana (Haswell, 1879) Introduction 538
ARTHROPODA URISTIDAE Orchomenella rossi (Walker, 1903) Generic Combination Abyssorchomene rossi (Walker, 1903) 721
ARTHROPODA TALITRIDAE Orchestia marmorata Stebbing, 1906 synonym Bellorchestia marmorata (Haswell, 1880) Primary 536
ARTHROPODA TALITRIDAE Talorchestia spinipalma (Dana, 1852) Valid Name Talorchestia spinipalma (Dana, 1852) Synonymy references 552
ARTHROPODA TALITRIDAE Talorchestia spinipalma (Dana, 1852) Generic Combination Talorchestia spinipalma (Dana, 1852) 552 (in part, part =T. terraereginae)

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