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Sub-publications- Rayment, T. 1947. A critical revision of species in the zonata group of Anthophora by new characters (Part II). Treubia 19: 46-73 [Date published 31/12/1947]
- Reimoser, E. 1936. Fauna Buruana. Arachnoidea. Treubia 7: 405-413
- Roepke, W. 1919. Thamnurgides myristicae, eine neue Javanische Ipidae (Col. Scolytoidea) aus Muskat-Nüssen. Treubia 1(1): 23-29, figs 1-7
- Roepke, W. von 1919. Hyalopeplus smaragdinus n. sp., eine neue Thee-Capside aus Java (Rynch.: Hem.: Heteropt.). Treubia 1: 73-81
- Schmidt, E. 1928. Die Zikaden des Buitenzorger Museums (Hemipt. Homopt.). Treubia Treubia 10: 107-144
- Serène, R. 1959. Note sur les espèces de Trapezia du groupe digitalis et sur leurs relations avec les espèces de Tetralia. Treubia 25(1): 127-157 figs 1-6 pls 1-2
- Serène, R. 1974. Note on the genera and species of the Camptandriinae Stimpson, 1858 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae). Treubia 38(3): 59-68
- Serène, R. & Soh, C.L. 1970. New Indo-Pacific genera allied to Sesarma Say, 1817 (Brachyura, Decapoda, Crustacea). Treubia 27(4): 387-416 pls 1-8
- Siebers, H.C. 1930. Fauna Buruana. Treubia 7(suppl. 5): 181-187
- Sody, H.J.V. 1941. On a collection of rats from the Indo-Malayan and Indo-Australian regions With descriptions of 43 new genera, species and subspecies. Treubia 18: 255--325
- Spaeth, F. 1926. Fauna Buruana. Coleoptera, Subfam. Cassidinae. Treubia 7: 307-310
- Stock, J.H. 1950. The taxonomic status of "Pycnogonum" claudum Loman, 1908. Treubia 20(3): 627-629
- Thornton, I.W.B. 1984. Psocoptera and Wallace's Line: collections from the islands of Bali and Lombok. Treubia 29: 83-177
- Toxopeus, L.J. 1927. Lycaenidae Australasiae III. On Nacaduba kurava Moore and other species of Nacaduba (Lep. Lycaenidae). Treubia 9(4): 423-436 pl. 1
- Toxopeus, L.J. 1944. Results of the Archbold Expedition to New Guinea, Lepidoptera Riodinidae (Erycinidae). Treubia Hors Série: 156-193
- Van Bemmel, A.C.V. 1949. Review of the rusine deer in the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Treubia 20: 191-262 pls 2-5
- van der Vecht, J 1949. Indo–Australian Pompilidae (Hym.) I. Leptodialepis bipartitus (LEP.) and some similarly coloured species. Treubia 20(2): 275–288
- van der Vecht, J 1953. Indo–Australian Pompilidae (Hym.) II. An annotated list of the oriental species of the genus Hemipepsis DAHLB. Treubia 22(1): 1–17
- van der Vecht, J. 1941. The Indo-Australian species of the genus Ropalidia (=Icaria) (Hym., Vespidae) (First Part). Treubia 18(1): 103-190 [Date published 31/Aug/1941]
- van der Vecht, J. 1941. The Indo-Australian species of the genus Ropalidia (=Icaria) (Hym., Vespidae) (First Part). Treubia 18: 103-190
- Van der Vecht, J. & Wilke, J. 1953. The Hemipepsis species of Java. Treubia 21(3): 685–724
- Vaughan, P.J., Thornton, I.W.B. & New, T.R. 1989. The Psocoptera of the Krakatau Islands, Indonesia. Treubia 30: 1-93
- Vaughan, P.J., Thornton, I.W.B. & New, T.R. 1991. Psocoptera from southern Sumatra and West Java, Indonesia: source faunas for colonisation of the Krakatau Islands. Treubia 30(2): 103-164 166 figs
- Viette, P. 1952. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Contribution a L'Étude des Hepialidae (Lep.). Nouveaux genres et espèces néo-guinéens. Treubia 21(2): 257-262
- Vitzthum, H. 1924. Die heutige Acarofauna der Krakatau-Inseln. Treubia 5: 353–370
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