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Sub-publications- Kleine, R. 1926. Coleoptera. Lycidae. Nova Guinea 15: 91-195
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1937. The dragonflies (Odonata) of New Guinea and neighbouring islands Part IV. Descriptions of new and little known species of the families Agrionidae (sens. lat.), Libellulidae and Aeshnidae (genera Idiocnemis, Notoneura, Papuagrion, Teinobasis, Aciagrion, Bironides, Agyrtacantha, Plattycantha and Oreaeschna). Nova Guinea ns 1: 1-82
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1938. The dragonflies (Odonata) of New Guinea and neighbouring islands Part V. Descriptions of new and little known species of the families Libellaginidae, Megapodagrionidae, Agrionidae (sens. lat.), and Libellulidae (genera Rhinocypha, Argiolestes, Drepanosticta, Notoneura, Palaiargia, Papuargia, Papuagrion, Teinobasis, Nannophlebia, Synthemis, and Anacordulia). Nova Guinea n.s. 2: 47-128
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1949. The dragonflies (Odonata) of New Guinea and neighbouring islands Part VII. Results of the third Archbold Expedition 1938–1939 and of the Le Roux Expedition 1939 to Netherlands New Guinea (II. Zygoptera). Nova Guinea n.s. 5: 1-271
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1956. Revision of the genus Argiolestes Selys (Odonata) in New Guinea and the Moluccas with notes on the larval forms of the family Megapodagrionidae. Nova Guinea n.s. 7: 59-121
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1957. Revision of the carpenter-bees (Xylocopa Latr., subgenus Maiella Michener) of the Papuan region (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Nova Guinea ns 8: 325-376 [Date published 31/12/1957]
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1958. Revision of the Indo-Australian species of the genus Thyreus Panzer (=Crocisa Jurine) (Hym., Apoidea, Anthophoridae). Part 1. Introduction and list of species. Nova Guinea ns 9: 21-30 [Date published 31/12/1958]
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1959. On the New Guinea species of Ischnura Charpentier and Oreagrion Ris, with special reference to the larval forms and notes on the species of adjacent regions (Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Nova Guinea n.s. 10: 213-240
- Lieftinck, M.A. 1959. Revision of the Indo-Australian species of the genus Thyreus Panzer (=Crocisa Jurine) (Hym., Apoidea, Anthophoridae). Part 2. Thyreus nitidulus (Fabricius). Nova Guinea ns 10: 99-130 [Date published 31/12/1959]
- Miller, N.C.E. 1958. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. On the Reduviidae of New Guinea and adjacent islands (Hemiptera–Heteroptera). Part. 1. Nova Guinea 9: 33-143
- Miller, N.C.E. 1958. Results on the Archbold Expeditions. On the Reduviidae of New Guinea and adjacent islands (Hemiptera–Heteroptera). Part. 2. Nova Guinea 9: 145-229
- Orchymont, A. d' 1924. Je eine neue Art von Sphaeridium und Cercyon. Nova Guinea 15(Zool.): 28-30
- Pasteels, J. 1956. Révision du genre Gasteruption (Hymenoptera, Evanoidea, Gasteruptionidae). II. Espèces mélanesiénnes. Nova Guinea 7: 207-248
- Ricardo, G. 1913. Dipteren II. The Tabanidae of New Guinea. Nova Guinea 9: 387-406
- Ris, F. 1919. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Odonaten-Fauna der Neu-Guinea Region. Résultats de l'expédition scientifique néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée. Nova Guinea 13 Zool. 2: 81-131
- Roux, J. 1917. Crustacés, in, Resultats de l'expedition scientifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinea. Nova Guinea 5: 589-621 pls 27, 28
- Roux, J. 1921. Crustacés. Nova Guinea XIII: 585-606 1 pl.
- Spaeth, F. 1909. Cassididae. In Résultats de l'Expedtion scientifique néelandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée en 1907 sous les auspices du Dr. H. Lorentz. Nova Guinea 9: 27-29
- Spaeth, F. 1913. Cassididae, Resultats de l'Expedition scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee. Nova Guinea 9(3): 447-452
- Spaeth, F. 1913. Cassididae. Résultats de l'Expédition Scientifique Néerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinée. Nova Guinea 9(3): 447–452
- Theowald, B. 1959. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Notes on Calliphoridae of New Guinea. II (Diptera). Nova Guinea N.S. 10: 95-98
- Todd, E.L. 1959. The Gelastocoridae of Melanesia (Hemiptera). Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Nova Guinea ns 10: 61-94
- van Eecke, R. 1924. List of the Lepidoptera collected by Mr W. C. van Heurn during an exploration expedition in Dutch North New Guinea. Nova Guinea 15 Zool. 4: 33-56 pl. 1
- van Kampen, P.N. 1909. Die Amphibienfauna von Neu-Guinea, nach der Ausbeute der Neiderlandischen Süd-Neu-Guinea-Expeditionen von 1904–1905 und 1907. Nova Guinea 9: 31-49
- van Kampen, P.N. 1913. Amphibien, gesammelt von der nierderländischen Süd-Nue-Guinea-Expedition von 1909–10. Nova Guinea 9(Zoologie): 453-465
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