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Sub-publications- Schmidt-Rhaesa, A. 2002. Are the genera of Nematomorpha monophyletic taxa? Zoologica Scripta 31(2): 185-200
- Schminke, H.K. 1974. Psammaspides williamsi gen. n. sp. n. ein Vertreter einer neuen Familie mesopsammaler Anaspidacea (Crustacea, Syncarida). Zoologica Scripta 3: 177-183
- Schneider, J.A. 1995. Phylogeny of the Cardiidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia): Protocardiinae, Laevicardiinae, Lahilliinae, Tulongocardiinae subfam. n. and Pleuriocardiinae subfam. n. Zoologica Scripta 24(4): 321-346
- Schomann, A.M. & Solodovnikov, A. 2017. Phylogenetic placement of the austral rove beetle genus Hyperomma triggers changes in classification of Paederinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Zoologica Scripta 46(3): 336-347
- Segers, H. & Wallace, R.L. 2001. Phylogeny and classification of the Conochilidae (Rotifera, Monogononta, Flosculariacea). Zoologica Scripta 30: 37-48
- Serejo, C.S. 2004. Cladistic revision of talitroidean amphipods (Crustacea, Gammaridea), with a proposal of a new classification. Zoologica Scripta 33: 551-586
- Sigvaldadottir, E. 1998. Cladistic analysis and classification of Prionospio and related genera (Polychaeta, Spionidae). Zoologica Scripta 27: 175-187
- Sigvardt, Z.M.S., Olesen, J., Rogers, D.C., Timms, B., Mlambo, M., Rabet, N. and Palero, F. 2021. Multilocus phylogenetics of smooth clam shrimps (Branchiopoda, Laevicaudata). Zoologica Scripta 50(795-811)
- Sluys, R., Kawakatsu, M. & Winsor, L. 1998. The genus Dugesia in Australia, with its phylogenetic analysis and historical biogeography (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae). Zoologica Scripta 27(4): 273–289
- Snimschikova, L.N. 1991. A revision of Lycodrilus phreodriloides (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae). Zoologica Scripta 20(3): 221-223
- Sotka, E.E., Bell, T., Hughes, L.E., Lowry, J.K. & Poore, A.G.B. 2017. A molecular phylogeny of marine amphipods in the herbivorous family Ampithoidae. Zoologica Scripta 46(1): 85–95 [Date published January 2017]
- Stefani, F., Benzoni, F., Pichon, M., Cancelliere, C. & Galli, P. 2008. A multidisciplinary approach to the definition of species boundaries in branching species of the coral genus Psammocora (Cnidaria, Scleractinia). Zoologica Scripta 37: 71-91
- Sterrer, W. 1991. Gnathostomulida from Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. Zoologica Scripta 20(2): 107-128
- Sterrer, W. 1991. Gnathostomulida from Hawaii. Zoologica Scripta 20(2): 129-136
- Sundberg, P. & Gibson, R. 1995. The nemerteans (Nemertea) of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Zoologica Scripta 24: 101-141
- Taylor, J.D., Williams, S.T., Glover, E.A. & Dyal, P. 2007. A molecular phylogeny of heterodont bivalves (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Heterodonta): new analyses of 18S and 28S rRNA genes. Zoologica Scripta 36(6): 587-606
- ten Hove, H.A. & Zibrowius, H. 1986. Laminatubus alvini gen. et sp. n. and Protis hydrothermica sp. n. (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) from the bathyal hydrothermal vent communities in the eastern Pacific. Zoologica Scripta 15: 21-31
- Tessens, B., Monnens, M., Backeljau, T., Jordaens, K., Van Steenkiste, N., Breman, F.C., Smeets, K. & Artois, T. 2021. Is ‘everything everywhere’? Unprecedented cryptic diversity in the cosmopolitan flatworm Gyratrix hermaphroditus. Zoologica Scripta 50(6): 837–851
- Tessler, M., Barrio, A., Borda, E., Rood-Goldman, R., Hill, M. & Siddall, M.E. 2016. Description of a soft-bodied invertebrate with microcomputed tomography and revision of the genus Chtonobdella (Hirudinea: Haemadipsidae). Zoologica Scripta 45: 552–535
- Thandar, A.S. & Rowe, F.W.E. 1989. New species and new records of apodous holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from southern Africa. Zoologica Scripta 18(1): 145-155 5 figs 2 tables
- Thorpe, J.P. & Solé-Cava, A.M. 1994. The use of allozyme electrophoresis in invertebrate systematics. Zoologica Scripta 3-18
- Timm, T. 1991. Branchiobdellida (Oligochaeta) from the farthest South-East of the U.S.S.R. Zoologica Scripta 20(4): 321-331
- Tjønneland, A.K.H., Ostnes, J.P & Økland, S. 1985. The heart ultrastructure in two species of pycnogonids, and its phylogenetic implications. Zoologica Scripta 14(3): 215-219
- Torkkola, J.J., Worthington Wilmer, J., Hutchinson, M.N., Couper, P.J. & Oliver, P.M. 2022. Die on this hill? A new monotypic, microendemic and montane vertebrate genus from the Australian Wet Tropics. Zoologica Scripta 51(5): 483-497
- Totland, G.K. & Kryvi, H. 1986. The fine structure of the somatic muscles and their attachment to the cuticle in two species of Pycnogonida. Zoologica Scripta 15(1): 69-72
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