Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Rowe, F.W.E. & Gates, J. 1995. Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 33 Echinodermata. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia 510 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) perplexus (Stimpson, 1855) Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) perplexus (Stimpson, 1855) Introduction 350-351
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) poecila H.L. Clark, 1915 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) poecila H.L. Clark, 1915 Introduction 351
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) psilopora H.L. Clark, 1911 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) psilopora H.L. Clark, 1911 Introduction 351
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) ptena H.L. Clark, 1938 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) ptena H.L. Clark, 1938 Introduction 351
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) stictacantha H.L. Clark, 1938 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) stictacantha H.L. Clark, 1938 Introduction 351
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) trisacantha H.L. Clark, 1928 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) trisacantha H.L. Clark, 1928 Introduction 352
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) velox Koehler, 1910 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) velox Koehler, 1910 Introduction 352
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Fellaria) octacantha (H.L. Clark, 1915) Valid Name Amphiura (Fellaria) octacantha (H.L. Clark, 1915) Introduction 352
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) parviscutata A.M. Clark, 1966 Valid Name Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) parviscutata A.M. Clark, 1966 Introduction 352
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) tenuis (H.L. Clark, 1938) Valid Name Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) tenuis (H.L. Clark, 1938) Introduction 352-353
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Dougaloplus echinatus (Ljungman, 1867) Valid Name Dougaloplus echinatus (Ljungman, 1867) Introduction 353
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus alboviridis (Brock, 1888) Valid Name Ophiocentrus alboviridis (Brock, 1888) Introduction 420
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus dilatata (Koehler, 1905) Valid Name Ophiocentrus dilatata (Koehler, 1905) Introduction 353
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus fragilis H.L. Clark, 1938 Valid Name Ophiocentrus fragilis H.L. Clark, 1938 Introduction 354
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus inaequalis (H.L. Clark, 1915) Valid Name Ophiocentrus inaequalis (H.L. Clark, 1915) Introduction 354
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus pilosa (Lyman, 1879) Valid Name Ophiocentrus pilosa (Lyman, 1879) Introduction 354
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiocentrus verticillatus (Döderlein, 1896) Valid Name Ophiocentrus verticillatus (Döderlein, 1896) Introduction 354
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiodaphne formata (Koehler, 1905) Valid Name Ophiodaphne formata (Koehler, 1905) Introduction 382
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiosphaera insignis Brock, 1888 Valid Name Ophiosphaera insignis Brock, 1888 Introduction 382
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) alboviridis Brock, 1888 Miscellaneous Literature Name Ophiocentrus alboviridis (Brock, 1888) 420
ECHINODERMATA ASTROPHIURIDAE  Astrophiura permira Sladen, 1879 Valid Name Astrophiura permira Sladen, 1879 Introduction 430
ECHINODERMATA ASTROPHIURIDAE  Ophiomisidium flabellum (Lyman, 1878) Valid Name Ophiomisidium flabellum (Lyman, 1878) Introduction 433
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Asteromorpha tenax Baker, 1980 Valid Name Asteromorpha tenax Baker, 1980 Introduction 360-361
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Asteroschema igloo Baker, 1980 Valid Name Asteroschema igloo Baker, 1980 Introduction 357
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Asteroschema tubiferum Matsumoto, 1911 Valid Name Asteroschema tubiferum Matsumoto, 1911 Introduction 357
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Astrobrachion adhaerens (Studer, 1884) Valid Name Astrobrachion adhaerens (Studer, 1884) Introduction 357-358
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar, 1900) Valid Name Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar, 1900) Introduction 358
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Astroceras elegans (Bell, 1917) Valid Name Astroceras elegans (Bell, 1917) Introduction 360
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Astroceras pleiades Baker, 1980 Valid Name Astroceras pleiades Baker, 1980 Introduction 360
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Euryale aspera (Lamarck, 1816) Valid Name Euryale aspera (Lamarck, 1816) Introduction 361
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Ophiocreas oedipus Lyman, 1879 Valid Name Ophiocreas oedipus Lyman, 1879 Introduction 358
ECHINODERMATA EURYALIDAE Ophiocreas sibogae Koehler, 1904 Valid Name Ophiocreas sibogae Koehler, 1904 Introduction 358-359
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha alternata A.M. Clark, 1966 Valid Name Ophiacantha alternata A.M. Clark, 1966 Introduction 370
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha brachygnatha H.L. Clark, 1928 Valid Name Ophiacantha brachygnatha H.L. Clark, 1928 Introduction 370-371
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha clavigera Koehler, 1907 Valid Name Ophiacantha clavigera Koehler, 1907 Introduction 371
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha cornuta Lyman, 1878 Valid Name Ophiacantha cornuta Lyman, 1878 Introduction 371
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha dallasii Duncan, 1879 Valid Name Ophiacantha dallasii Duncan, 1879 Introduction 372
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha fidelis (Koehler, 1930) Valid Name Ophiacantha fidelis (Koehler, 1930) Introduction 371-372
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha gracilis (Studer, 1882) Generic Combination Ophiacantha dallasii Duncan, 1879 372
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha heterotyla H.L. Clark, 1909 Valid Name Ophiacantha heterotyla H.L. Clark, 1909 Introduction 372
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha indica Ljungman, 1867 Valid Name Ophiacantha indica Ljungman, 1867 Introduction 371
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha longidens Lyman, 1878 Valid Name Ophiacantha longidens Lyman, 1878 Introduction 371
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha pentagona Koehler, 1897 Valid Name Ophiacantha pentagona Koehler, 1897 Introduction 372
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha serrata Lyman, 1878 Valid Name Ophiacantha serrata Lyman, 1878 Introduction 373
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha shepherdi Baker & Devaney, 1981 Valid Name Ophiacantha shepherdi Baker & Devaney, 1981 Introduction 373
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha sollicita Koehler, 1922 Valid Name Ophiacantha sollicita Koehler, 1922 Introduction 373
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha yaldwini Fell, 1958 [misspelling] Miscellaneous Literature Name Ophiolebes yaldwyni (Fell, 1958)
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiogyptis nodosa Koehler, 1905 [misidentification] Miscellaneous Literature Name Ophiomoeris obstricta (Lyman, 1878) 369
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiogyptis nodosa Koehler, 1905 Species Excluded Misidentifications OPHIACANTHIDAE 369

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