Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lis, J.A. 1999. Burrower bugs of the Old World - a catalogue (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Genus (Wroclaw) 10(2): 165-249

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus Mulsant & Rey, 1866 Valid Name Geotomus Mulsant & Rey, 1866 Synonymy references 202
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus alexandria (Distant, 1911) Valid Name Geotomus alexandria (Distant, 1911) Introduction 202
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus breweri Signoret, 1883 Valid Name Geotomus breweri Signoret, 1883 Introduction 202
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus distanti Signoret, 1883 Valid Name Geotomus distanti Signoret, 1883 Introduction 203
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus gracilipes Signoret, 1883 Valid Name Geotomus gracilipes Signoret, 1883 Introduction 203
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Geotomus oceanicus Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Geotomus oceanicus Signoret, 1881 Introduction 203
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Valid Name Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Introduction 205
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Valid Name Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Distributions 205-207
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Valid Name Lactistes Schiödte, 1848 Synonymy references 205
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Lactistes obesipes Signoret, 1879 Valid Name Lactistes obesipes Signoret, 1879 Introduction 206
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Macroscytus Fieber, 1861 Valid Name Macroscytus Fieber, 1861 Introduction 207
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Macroscytus australis (Erichson, 1842) Valid Name Macroscytus australis (Erichson, 1842) Introduction 207
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Macroscytus piceus (Westwood, 1837) Valid Name Macroscytus piceus (Westwood, 1837) Introduction 210
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Macroscytus subaeneus Dallas, 1851 Species Excluded Misidentifications Macroscytus Fieber, 1861 210
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Microporus Uhler, 1876 Valid Name Microporus Uhler, 1876 Introduction 211
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Microporus Uhler, 1876 Valid Name Microporus Uhler, 1876 Distributions 211-213
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Microporus gestroi (Signoret, 1881) Valid Name Microporus gestroi (Signoret, 1881) Introduction 212
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Microporus ovatulus (Dallas, 1851) Valid Name Microporus ovatulus (Dallas, 1851) Introduction 213
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Microporus thoreyi (Signoret, 1882) Valid Name Microporus thoreyi (Signoret, 1882) Introduction 213
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Nishocoris Lis, 1997 Valid Name Nishocoris Lis, 1997 Introduction 181
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Nishocoris bicolor Lis, 1997 Valid Name Nishocoris bicolor Lis, 1997 Introduction 181
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Nishocoris bipunctatus Lis, 1997 Valid Name Nishocoris bipunctatus Lis, 1997 Introduction 181
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Paranishadana Lis, 1997 Valid Name Paranishadana Lis, 1997 Introduction 182
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Paranishadana flava Lis, 1997 Valid Name Paranishadana flava Lis, 1997 Introduction 182

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