Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Iredale, T. 1943. A basic list of the freshwater Mollusca of Australia. The Australian Zoologist 10(2): 188-230

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA THIARIDAE Thiara australis (Lea & Lea, 1851) Valid Name Thiara australis (Lea & Lea, 1851) Introduction 208
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxiella molesta Iredale, 1943 synonym Coxiella molesta Iredale, 1943 Primary 211
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxiella pyrrhostoma (Cox, 1868) Valid Name Coxiella pyrrhostoma (Cox, 1868) Introduction 210
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxiella pyrrhostoma (Cox, 1868) Generic Combination Coxiella pyrrhostoma (Cox, 1868) 210
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxiella striata (Reeve, 1842) Valid Name Coxiella striata (Reeve, 1842) Introduction 210
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxiella striata (Reeve, 1842) Generic Combination Coxiella striata (Reeve, 1842) 210
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Coxielladda exposita Iredale, 1943 synonym Coxiella exposita (Iredale, 1943) Primary 211
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Truncatella striata Reeve, 1842 synonym Coxiella striata (Reeve, 1842) Type Data 210
MOLLUSCA TOMICHIIDAE Truncatella striatula Menke, 1843 synonym Coxiella striatula (Menke, 1843) Type Data 210

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