Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Germar, E.F. 1848. Beiträge zur Insektenfauna von Adelaide. Linnaea Entomologica 3: 153-247

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA MELYRIDAE Carphurus brevipennis Germar, 1848 synonym Balanophorus brevipennis (Germar, 1848) Primary 183
ARTHROPODA MELYRIDAE Carphurus cervicalis Germar, 1848 synonym Carphurus cervicalis Germar, 1848 Primary 183
ARTHROPODA MELYRIDAE Laius trisignatus Germar, 1848 synonym Unplaced trisignatus Germar, 1848 Primary 182
ARTHROPODA MELOIDAE Zonitis dichroa Germar, 1848 synonym Australozonitis dichroa (Germar, 1848) Primary 204
ARTHROPODA MORDELLIDAE Mordella exilis Germar, 1848 synonym Paramordellistena exilis (Germar, 1848) Primary 203
ARTHROPODA MORDELLIDAE Mordella leucosticta Germar, 1848 synonym Hoshihananomia leucosticta (Germar, 1848) Primary 203

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