Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Meade-Waldo, G. 1923. Hymenoptera. Fam. Apidae. Subfam. Prosopidinae. Genera Insectorum 181: 1-45 [Date published 31/12/1923]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) cyaneomicans (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) cyaneomicans (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) distractus (Cockerell, 1914) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) distractus (Cockerell, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) elongatus (Smith, 1879) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) elongatus (Smith, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) eugeniellus (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) eugeniellus (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) flavojugatus (Cockerell, 1912) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) flavojugatus (Cockerell, 1912) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) frederici (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) frederici (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) infans (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) infans (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) leai (Cockerell, 1912) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) leai (Cockerell, 1912) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) littleri (Cockerell, 1918) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) littleri (Cockerell, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) mediovirens (Cockerell, 1913) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) mediovirens (Cockerell, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) microphenax (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) microphenax (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) minusculus (Cockerell, 1913) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) minusculus (Cockerell, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) nigrescens (Cockerell, 1918) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) nigrescens (Cockerell, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) perhumilis (Cockerell, 1914) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) perhumilis (Cockerell, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) primulipictus (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) primulipictus (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) quadratus (Smith, 1853) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) quadratus (Smith, 1853) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) sanguinipictus (Cockerell, 1914) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) sanguinipictus (Cockerell, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) scintillans (Cockerell, 1922) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) scintillans (Cockerell, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) serotinellus (Cockerell, 1906) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) serotinellus (Cockerell, 1906) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) trimerops (Cockerell, 1916) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) trimerops (Cockerell, 1916) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) vittatifrons (Cockerell, 1913) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) vittatifrons (Cockerell, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) xanthaspis (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) xanthaspis (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) xanthopsyche (Cockerell, 1922) Valid Name Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) xanthopsyche (Cockerell, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Pseudhylaeus) albomaculatus (Smith, 1879) Valid Name Hylaeus (Pseudhylaeus) albomaculatus (Smith, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) ancoratus (Cockerell, 1912) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) ancoratus (Cockerell, 1912) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) ceniberus (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) ceniberus (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) constrictiformis (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) constrictiformis (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) constrictus (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) constrictus (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) coronatulus (Cockerell, 1914) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) coronatulus (Cockerell, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) coronatus (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) coronatus (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) haematopodus (Cockerell, 1913) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) haematopodus (Cockerell, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) lateralis (Smith, 1879) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) lateralis (Smith, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) melanocephalus (Cockerell, 1922) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) melanocephalus (Cockerell, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) proximus (Smith, 1879) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) proximus (Smith, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) rufipes (Smith, 1853) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) rufipes (Smith, 1853) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) subconstrictus (Cockerell, 1922) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) subconstrictus (Cockerell, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) sublateralis (Cockerell, 1914) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) sublateralis (Cockerell, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) subplebeius (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Hylaeus (Rhodohylaeus) subplebeius (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Xenohylaeus) kelvini (Cockerell, 1912) Valid Name Hylaeus (Xenohylaeus) kelvini (Cockerell, 1912) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus (Xenohylaeus) leptospermi (Cockerell, 1922) Valid Name Hylaeus (Xenohylaeus) leptospermi (Cockerell, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus callosus (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Hylaeus callosus (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hylaeus liogonius (Vachal, 1899) Valid Name Hylaeus liogonius (Vachal, 1899) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) australiensis (Dalla Torre, 1896) Valid Name Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) australiensis (Dalla Torre, 1896) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) rectangulatus (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) rectangulatus (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Melittosmithia carinata (Smith, 1862) Valid Name Melittosmithia carinata (Smith, 1862) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Melittosmithia froggattiana (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Melittosmithia froggattiana (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Meroglossa diversipuncta (Cockerell, 1909) Valid Name Meroglossa diversipuncta (Cockerell, 1909) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Meroglossa impressifrons penetrata (Smith, 1879) Valid Name Meroglossa impressifrons penetrata (Smith, 1879) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COLLETIDAE Meroglossa itamuca (Cockerell, 1910) Valid Name Meroglossa itamuca (Cockerell, 1910) Introduction

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