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Sub-publications- Hylleberg, J. 1975. Selective feeding by Abarenicola pacifica with notes on Abarenicola vagabunda and a concept of gardening in lugworms. Ophelia 14: 113-125
- Jennings, J.B. & Cannon, L.R.G. 1985. Observations on the occurrence, nutritional physiology and respiratory pigment of three species of flatworms (Rhabdocoela: Pterastericolidae) entosymbiotic in starfish from temperate and tropical waters. Ophelia 24: 199-215
- Jensen, P. & Gerlach, S.A. 1977. Three new Nematoda - Comesomatidae from Bermuda. Ophelia 16(1): 59-76
- Kirkegaard, J.B. 1970. Age determination of Nephtys (Polychaeta: Nephthyidae). Ophelia 7: 277-282
- Lana, P.C. 1991. Sigalionidae (Polychaeta) from the Coast of Paraná (SE Brazil) and adjacent areas. Ophelia Supplement 5: 121-132
- Lopez-Gonzalez, P.J., Ocana, O. & Garcia-Gomez, J.C. 1995. Scleranthelia microsclera n. sp. (Anthozoa: Stolonifera) from the Strait of Gibraltar and Canary islands. Ophelia 43(2): 119-125
- López-Jamar, E., O'Connor, B. & Gonzalez, G. 1987. Demography and gametogenic cycle of Paradoneis armata Glémarec (Polychaeta, Paraonidae) in Ría de la Coruña, north-west Spain. Ophelia 27: 127-136
- Mackie, A.S.Y. 1991. Paradoneis eliasoni sp. nov. (Polychaeta: Paraonidae) from northern European waters, with a redescription of Paradoneis lyra (Southern, 1914). Ophelia Supplement 5: 147-155
- Mackie, A.S.Y. & Duff, A.A. 1986. Atherospio disticha gen. et sp. nov. (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from Loch Tuirnaig, west coast of Scotland. Ophelia 25: 139-146
- Martin, D., Rosell, D. & Uriz, M.J. 1992. Harmothoe hyalonemae sp. nov. (Polychaeta, Polynoidae), an exclusive inhabitant of different Atlanto-Mediterranean species of Hyalonema (Porifera, Hexactinellida). Ophelia 35: 169-185
- Martin, D. & Giangrande, A. 1991. Novafabricia bilobata sp. nov. (Polychaeta, Sabellidae, Fabriciinae) from the Mediterranean. Ophelia 33: 113-120, illustr.
- McGrath, D. & D. O'Foighil 1986. Population dynamics and reproduction of hermaphroditic Lasaea rubra. Ophelia 25: 209-219
- Moore, P.G. & Rainbow, P.S. 1989. Feeding biology of the mesopelagic gammaridean amphipod Parandania boecki (Stebbing, 1888) (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae) from the Atlantic Ocean. Ophelia 30(1): 1-19
- Nielsen, C. 1964. Studies on Danish Entoprocta. Ophelia 1: 1-76
- Nielsen, C. 1976. Notes on boring bivalves from Phuket, Thailand. Ophelia 15: 141-148
- Ockelmann, K. & Warén, A. 1998. Taxonomy of and biological notes on the bivalve genus Microgloma, with comments on protobranch nomenclature. Ophelia 48(1): 1-24
- Ockelmann, K. & Warén, A. 1998. Taxonomy of and biological notes on the bivalve genus Microgloma, with comments on protobranch nomenclature. Ophelia 48(1): 1-24
- Ockelmann, K.W. 1983. Descriptions of mytilid species and definition of the Dacrydiinae n. subfam. (Mytilidae - Bivalvia). Ophelia 22: 81-123
- Ockelmann, K.W. & Vahl, O. 1970. On the biology of the polychaete Glycera alba, especially its burrowing and feeding. Ophelia 8: 275-294
- Oliver, J.S. & Slattery, P.N. 1985. Effects of crustacean predators on species composition and population structure of soft-bodied infauna from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Ophelia 24: 155-175
- Oug, E. 1980. On feeding and behaviour of Ophiodromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje) and Nereimyra punctata (O.F. Müller) (Polychaeta, Hesionidae). Ophelia 19: 175-191
- Paiva, & Nonato, E.F. 1991. On the genus Iphitime (Polychaeta: Iphitimidae) and description of Iphitime sartorae sp. nov. a commensal of brachyuran crabs. Ophelia 34: 209-215
- Pascual, M., Núñez, J. & San Martín, G. 1996. Exogone (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Exogoninae) endobiontics of sponges from the Canary and Madeira Islands with description of two new species. Ophelia 45: 67-80
- Petersen, M.E. & Kirkegaard, J.B. 1991. Systematics, Biology and Morphology of World Polychaeta. Proceedings of the Second International Polychaete Conference, Copenhagen, August 18–23, 1986. Ophelia Supplément 5: 723
- Rasmussen, E. 1973. Systematics and ecology of the Isefjord marine fauna (Denmark). With a survey of the eelgrass (Zostera) vegetation and its communities. Ophelia 11: 1-507
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