Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Girault, A.A. 1915. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea, XI. The family Eurytomidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 4: 238-274 [Date published 4/06/1915]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA EURYTOMIDAE Pararileya spadix Girault, 1915 synonym Rileya spadix (Girault, 1915) Primary 274
ARTHROPODA EURYTOMIDAE Xanthosoma haeckeli Girault, 1915 synonym Giraultoma pulchricorpus (Girault, 1915) Primary 264
ARTHROPODA EURYTOMIDAE Xanthosoma justitia Girault, 1915 synonym Bruchophagus justitia (Girault, 1915) Primary 263
ARTHROPODA EURYTOMIDAE Xanthosoma pulchricorpus Girault, 1915 synonym Giraultoma pulchricorpus (Girault, 1915) Primary 264
ARTHROPODA PTEROMALIDAE Neorileyella albiclava Girault, 1915 synonym Encyrtocephalus albiclava (Girault, 1915) Primary 273
ARTHROPODA PTEROMALIDAE Neorileyella fasciata Girault, 1915 synonym Encyrtocephalus fasciatus (Girault, 1915) Primary 272
ARTHROPODA PTEROMALIDAE Neorileyella hyalina Girault, 1915 synonym Encyrtocephalus hyalinus (Girault, 1915) Primary 273

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