Showing publications 51 to 75 on page 3 of 16. « Previous | First | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Last | Next »
Sub-publications- Carter, T. 1908. Description of a supposed new Grass-Wren. Victorian Naturalist 25(5): 86-87 [Date published 10 Sep 1908]
- Chandler, L.G. 1925. Habits of the sand-wasp. Victorian Naturalist 42: 107-114
- Chandler, L.G. 1928. Notes on two grasshopper-wasps. Victorian Naturalist 45: 176-181
- Claridge, A.W. 1993. Fungal diet of the long-nosed bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) in south-eastern Australia. Victorian Naturalist 110: 86-91
- Claridge, A.W. & Lindenmayer, D.B. 1993. The mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus caninus Ogilby) : disseminator of fungi in the mountain ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria? Victorian Naturalist 110: 91-95
- Clark, J. 1928. Ants from North Queensland. Victorian Naturalist 45: 169-171 [10 Oct. 1928]
- Clark, J. 1928. Entomological Reports. Formicidae. In Report of the Victorian Field Naturalists' expedition through the Western District of Victoria. Victorian Naturalist suppl. 45: 39-44
- Clark, J. 1929. Results of a collecting trip to the Cann River, East Gippsland. Victorian Naturalist 46: 115-123 [4 Oct. 1929]
- Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. Notes on Australian Coccidae. 1. – The Australian species of Mytilaspis. 2. – A new Pulvinaria. Victorian Naturalist 16: 13-16
- Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. Notes on Australian Coccidae. 3. – Two new species and a new variety. Victorian Naturalist 16: 88-89
- Coleman, E. 1932. Pollination of Diuris pedunculata R. Br. Victorian Naturalist 49: 179-186 [Date published 31/12/1932]
- Coleman, E. 1933. Further notes on the pollination of Diuris pedunculata R. Br. Victorian Naturalist 49: 243-245 [Date published 31/12/1933]
- Coleman, E. 1946. Foods of the Tawny Frogmouth. Victorian Naturalist 63: 111-115
- Coleman, E. 1946. Voices of the Frogmouth and his Nightjar relations. Victorian Naturalist 63: 123-125
- Coles, A.W. 1897. Description of a new Victorian Goshawk Astur maculosus. Victorian Naturalist 14: 43-44
- Conole, L.E. 1996. The little pygmy-possum Cercartetus lepidus; an addition to the fauna of southwest-Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 113: 20-24
- Cotton, B.C. 1935. The Australian viviparous river snails. Victorian Naturalist 52: 96-99 [Oct. 1935]
- Coulson, G. 1988. The history of kangaroo populations in Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, north-western Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 105: 68-73
- Coulson, G. & Troy, S. 1992. First record of the eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus at Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, northwestern Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 109: 49-50
- Coulson, G.M. 1979. Extension of range of the western grey kangaroo, Macropus fuliginosus, in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 97: 4-5
- Coulson, G.M. & Hutchinson, C. 1983. Extension of range of the eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus, in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 100: 204-206
- Covacevich, J. & Ingram, G. 1975. Three new species of rainbow skinks of the genus Carlia from northern Queensland. Victorian Naturalist 92: 19-22
- Coventry, A.J. 1971. Identification of the black-headed snakes (Denisonia) within Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 88: 304-306
- Coventry, A.J. & Tanner, C. 1973. Notes on the short-necked tortoises Emydura australis (Gray) and Elseya dentata (Gray) in the Victoria River system, Northern Territory. Victorian Naturalist 90: 351-353
- Craig, S.A. 1986. A record of twins in the yellow-bellied glider, (Petaurus australis Shaw) (Marsupialia: Petauridae) with notes on the litter size and reproductive strategy of the species. Victorian Naturalist 103: 72-75
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