Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lawrence, J.F. 2016. The Australian Ciidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea): A Preliminary Revision. Zootaxa 4198(1): 1-208

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Cis victoriae Lawrence, 2016 synonym Cis victoriae Lawrence, 2016 Primary 74, figs 12E–H, 21S
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Cis walkeri Blair, 1940 Valid Name Cis walkeri Blair, 1940 Introduction 75, figs 12I–L, 21R, 22A
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Cis yorkensis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Cis yorkensis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 77, figs 13A–D, 22B, 25C
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ctenosis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Ctenosis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 78
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ctenosis pectinipes Lawrence, 2016 synonym Ctenosis pectinipes Lawrence, 2016 Primary 80, figs 13I–L, 22D–E, 25A, 28C
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Dichodontocis Kawanabe, 1994 Valid Name Dichodontocis Kawanabe, 1994 Introduction 81
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Dichodontocis queenslandicus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Dichodontocis queenslandicus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 81, figs 14A–D, 22F, 26J–K
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ditrichocis pulchellus (Scott, 1926) Generic Combination Ditrichocis pulchellus (Scott, 1926) 83, figs 14E–F, 22G–I, 27K
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Echinocis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Echinocis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 84
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Echinocis phellinophilus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Echinocis phellinophilus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 85, figs 14G–H, 22L, 28H, 28K
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ennearthron Mellié, 1847 Valid Name Ennearthron Mellié, 1847 Introduction 86
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ennearthron (Ceracis) sallei Lawrence, 2016 Type Species subsequent designation Ceracis Mellié, 1849 19
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Ennearthron alienindicus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Ennearthron alienindicus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 86, figs 14I–L, 22M
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Glyphidope simplex Lawrence, 2016 synonym Glyphidope simplex Lawrence, 2016 Primary 88, figs 15A–B, 22O
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Glyphidope variabilis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Glyphidope variabilis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 89, figs 15C–D, 22P, 27E, 27H
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Hadreule Thomson, 1859 Valid Name Hadreule Thomson, 1859 Introduction 90
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Hadreule australiense Lawrence, 2016 synonym Hadreule australiense Lawrence, 2016 Primary 90, figs 15E–F, 22Q
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Malleecis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Malleecis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 91
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Malleecis flavus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Malleecis flavus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 92, figs 15G–H, 22S
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Neoennearthron Miyatake, 1954 Valid Name Neoennearthron Miyatake, 1954 Introduction 93
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Neoennearthron meridionale Lawrence, 2016 synonym Neoennearthron meridionale Lawrence, 2016 Primary 93, figs 15I–J, 22T, 26N
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 95
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis ellipticus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis ellipticus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 96, figs 15K–L, 22U
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis globulus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis globulus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 97, figs 16A–B
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis grossulus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis grossulus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 97, figs 16C–F
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis hirsutulus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis hirsutulus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 98, figs 16G–H, 23B
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Notapterocis sannio Lawrence, 2016 synonym Notapterocis sannio Lawrence, 2016 Primary 99, figs 16I–J, 23C
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Octotemnus ambiguus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Octotemnus ambiguus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 102, figs 16K–L
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Octotemnus dilutipes (Blackburn, 1891) Valid Name Octotemnus dilutipes (Blackburn, 1891) Introduction 103, figs 17A–B, 23A
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Octotemnus exilis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Octotemnus exilis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 104, figs 17C–D, 23Q
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Octotemnus walkeri Blair, 1940 Valid Name Octotemnus walkeri Blair, 1940 Introduction 104, fig. 17E–F
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Orthocis Casey, 1898 Valid Name Orthocis Casey, 1898 Introduction 105
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Orthocis aequalis (Blackburn, 1888) Valid Name Orthocis aequalis (Blackburn, 1888) Introduction 107
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Orthocis auriculariae Lawrence, 1991 [a misidentification] Miscellaneous Literature Name Orthocis flavipennis (Pic, 1923) 482
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Orthocis latemarginatus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Orthocis latemarginatus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 108, figs 17I–J, 23N–P
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Orthocis quadrimaculatus Lawrence, 2016 synonym Orthocis quadrimaculatus Lawrence, 2016 Primary 110, figs 17K–L, 23J
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Paratrichapus Scott, 1926 Valid Name Paratrichapus Scott, 1926 Introduction 111, figs 18A–D, 23H
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Pseudeuxestocis Lawrence, 2016 synonym Pseudeuxestocis Lawrence, 2016 Primary 112
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Pseudeuxestocis burwelli Lawrence, 2016 synonym Pseudeuxestocis burwelli Lawrence, 2016 Primary 113, figs 18E–F, 23E–G
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Scolytocis Blair, 1928 Valid Name Scolytocis Blair, 1928 Introduction 114, figs 18G–H
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Scolytocis australimontensis Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes -Andrade, 2017 Valid Name Scolytocis australimontensis Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes -Andrade, 2017 Introduction 114
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Xylographella Miyatake, 1985 Valid Name Xylographella Miyatake, 1985 Introduction 114, fig. I–J
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Xylographella frithae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, 2017 Valid Name Xylographella frithae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, 2017 Introduction 115
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Xylographus Mellié, 1847 Valid Name Xylographus Mellié, 1847 Introduction 115
ARTHROPODA CIIDAE Xylographus bynoei Blair, 1940 Valid Name Xylographus bynoei Blair, 1940 Introduction 116, figs 18K–L, 23D

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